Does It Pay To Be Caring When Buying A 2-Bedroom Contemporary High-Rise Condo In 22314 In Alexandria?

When you're mulling over the idea of purchasing real estate, should you as a purchaser consider what I as a seller would want from a buyer? The Golden Rule for Realtors is to treat others with respect both in your business, as well as in your life, to be kind, professional and pro-actively honest. Photo of 501 Slaters Ln #1411 But how does that apply to buying real estate in the City of Alexandria? It doesn't mean that you need to pick up a home in South Riding when you want a place in 22314 in Alexandria. It doesn't mean that you have to get 2-bedroom home when you need one more bedroom. Photo of 501 Slaters Ln #1411 But it does mean that: We never would consider putting offers on more than one property at the same time. (Assuming the home buyer can only afford to buy one property.)We never make promises we don't intend to keep. Photo of 501 Slaters Ln #1411 Each day, I check the MLS to see what is asking. Here's what caught my eye today.
Nesbitt Inspirational
The more you lose yourself in something bigger than yourself, the more energy you will have. -Norman Vincent Peale

Will Nesbitt

View posts by Will Nesbitt
Will is the principal broker of Nesbitt Realty and Condo Alexandria. He is licensed in anywhere in the Commonwealth of Virginia, but focuses on those communities found in and around Alexandria, Arlington, Mount Vernon and Springfield/Franconia. Will has been involved in real estate management, sales and investment for more than twenty years. He is a veteran of the U.S. Army. While in the army, he studied Russian at Monterey's Defense Language Institute. He is also a "veteran of the dotcom wars" and built most of the sites associated with Will currently resides in Belle Haven Estates just outside Old Town, overlooking New Alexandria. He is a former president of the Mount Vernon Youth Athletic Association and founded the Alexandria Fun with Friends Group. Will is the author of BattlestorM, a tabletop fantasy game, which was published by Ral Partha Publishing in the late '90's, and Arthur's Realm, a boardgame available at the Gamecrafter.