If You Need To Sell Your House At Pleasant Valley Nesbitt Realty Can Help.

Nesbitt Realty is a family-run small real estate brokerage that appreciates the opportunity to serve your Northern Virginia real estate needs. Did you know that in Pleasant Valley: Will Nesbitt's knowledge of the entire area is truly helpful in order to make a quick yet confident decision the ideal price for selling your house. Clean your house. When you get done, clean again. Then hire a professional cleaner to make the property shine.

Who sets the price?

Agents at Nesbitt Realty understand that no matter what you’ve been told Realtors really have no control at all over the real estate market, only the plan behind marketing. Our Realtors never determine the asking price – the seller does. We can provide Realtor advice, but the seller makes the final decision. This not only applies to the list (asking) price, but it especially applies to the selling price. By the same token, we cannot control the offer price.  We can only present the offers that are actually made.  None-the-less, if the seller does things right and takes each step by step, together we’ll set a listing price in the right area and have no problems selling your property. [Learn more about selling your property] We have offices in Alexandria, Ballston, Reston and Mclean.

Market Values

Connect with me (Will Nesbitt) today to get a free estimate of your mid-sized residence's market value.
Nesbitt Inspirational
It is better to be alone than in bad company. -George Washington

Will Nesbitt

View posts by Will Nesbitt
Will is the principal broker of Nesbitt Realty and Condo Alexandria. He is licensed in anywhere in the Commonwealth of Virginia, but focuses on those communities found in and around Alexandria, Arlington, Mount Vernon and Springfield/Franconia. Will has been involved in real estate management, sales and investment for more than twenty years. He is a veteran of the U.S. Army. While in the army, he studied Russian at Monterey's Defense Language Institute. He is also a "veteran of the dotcom wars" and built most of the sites associated with NesbittRealty.com Will currently resides in Belle Haven Estates just outside Old Town, overlooking New Alexandria. He is a former president of the Mount Vernon Youth Athletic Association and founded the Alexandria Fun with Friends Group. Will is the author of BattlestorM, a tabletop fantasy game, which was published by Ral Partha Publishing in the late '90's, and Arthur's Realm, a boardgame available at the Gamecrafter.