Life Lessons from the 24

Ever wonder if this is the best you'll have in your life?  Is what you've done to this point making you proud to be you?  Will you leave behind a legacy to smile about or one that only embarrasses? The simple fact of life is that we all need help.  Another obvious thing that life will prove to us is that with this help, we must help others. Yesterday was the end of an era for the sport of NASCAR.  A legend and icon completed his last laps as a full-time driver in the Sprint Cup Series.  When Jeff Gordon came across the start/finish line, it was a moment in time that will never be forgotten. He has been able to succeed, against all odds.  With the loving assistance from his mom and step dad, his talent was realized and the rest is history.  His heart is just as big as his level of talent, the world has realized. Some people in this world, come into it and leave without so much as a whisper as to who they are and what they have done in life.  Others move mountains.  Jeff is the latter. More posts will fill these pages with my thoughts on this genuinely wonderful person, but for now I just want to say, "Thank you!" to him for what he has done for the sport and the world.  The changes he has brought this world have been full of  impact indeed.  His personality will be an asset to the booth next year and years to come as he begins his career as a NASCAR announcer. Don't know anything about the sport or Jeff?  Look him up on,, and  You'll soon find out that he is worth the time you just invested. If now is the time to find that new place to settle in before Daytona in 90 days, use the guide below and check out the listings also.

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