800 S Saint Asaph St #204, Alexandria VA 22314 For Sale

$675,000 ⁞ ⁞ 2 Bedroom in Alexandria at St Asaph Square

Purchasing a home like 800 S Saint Asaph St #204 is possibly the most important purchase an individual will ever make. Besides, as a Realtor with extensive real estate knowledge about Alexandria, Will Nesbitt will be a hard-working protector who understands the information and noncognitive support that shoppers need in the course of your purchase of real estate. Further, there are other problems which can be challenging to overcome.  Above all, a real estate professional like Will can manage and overcome risks  associated with buying a garage/parking space in 22314 in the City of Alexandria. Photo of 800 S Saint Asaph St #204 $675,000 ⁞ ⁞ 2 bed ⁞ ⁞ 2 bath ⁞ ⁞ 0 half-bath ⁞ ⁞ 1,096 sqft ⁞ ⁞ Alexandria 22314 VA

*** Please schedule all appointments online and be considerate of very nice tenant. Notify listing agent if you are going to be late. *** This highly sought-after and rarely available patio unit in St. Asaph Square features 2 bedrooms, ... [Read more]

Photo of 800 S Saint Asaph St #204

About The Same Size As 800 S Saint Asaph St #204 In 22314?

All the homes in this table are about the same living area as 800 S Saint Asaph St #204. Why compare properties of a similar size to 800 S Saint Asaph St #204 in 22314? Not to mention, by comparing similarly-sized garage/parking spaces, a buyer client can better understand the asking price and the real estate market in 22314.
Choice (550001 to $750,000)2 Active
Premium (750001 to $950,001)1 Active

Subdivisions In the City of Alexandria With Homes About This Size

All the neighborhoods in this table have homes listed for sale which are approximately the same living area as 800 S Saint Asaph St #204. Why identify areas like this? Because, by comparing some neighborhoods, a purchaser can understand what is in fact available in the City of Alexandria. Photo of 800 S Saint Asaph St #204

How Much Home Can You Get In 22314 For Around $675,000?

Are you wondering how much living area you can purchase for the same price as 800 S Saint Asaph St #204? The table below shows the sizes of other modest homes now advertised for sale in 22314. All of these garage/parking spaces cost about as much as 800 S Saint Asaph St #204.
Small (701 to 1,100 sqft)5 Active

Age Of Homes That Cost About As Much As 800 S Saint Asaph St #204

Will Nesbitt can give you points about 800 S Saint Asaph St #204 but most of the colonial homes in St Asaph Square were built in 1955. Most of the homes in the City of Alexandria were built in 1955. Is the age of the garage/parking space of importance to you? If so, you might wonder how old are similarly-priced homes for sale in the City of Alexandria? The table below can give you an idea of the age of homes that are selling for close to $675,000.
Recently built (2021 - 2024)1 Active
21st Century (2003 - 2014)1 Active
Millennial (1998 - 2002)1 Active
Mid 20th Century (1938 - 1982)2 Active
Early 20th Century (1900 - 1937)2 Active
Photo of 800 S Saint Asaph St #204 Learn more about 800 S Saint Asaph St #204 ⁞ ⁞ St Asaph Square ⁞ ⁞ Alexandria ⁞ ⁞ 22314 ⁞ ⁞

Alexandria Home Buying Clues

Will's useful information of the day for buyers looking at 800 S Saint Asaph St #204 in Alexandria

Not to mention, some property seekers think there is a cost benefit to them to working with the listing agent rather than getting their own licensed real estate adviser. But even so, the garage/parking space seller cannot reduce or change the commission if the listing agent represents the home buyer and the real estate seller. Because the listing agent represents the real estate seller, the listing agent wants to get the best price and terms for the sale of his client's home. Hence, when a buyer contacts the listing agent directly, that agent can share what they glean from the home shopper to put the real estate seller in the best possible position. If you use Will Nesbitt as your Realtor, not only can you expect a rebate of $3,935 at 800 S Saint Asaph St #204 but you count on him to safeguard your consultation. This real estate is listed at 800 S Saint Asaph St #204 for just $675,000. Will Nesbitt can give you reasons about 800 S Saint Asaph St #204 but most of the colonial homes in St Asaph Square were built in 1955. Most of the homes in the City of Alexandria were built in 1955. Nesbitt Realty specifically counsels our real estate professionals to never steer shoppers. We always insist that purchasers choose the garage/parking space without interference from the Realtor. We use our experience to put choices in front of the property hunter.  In addition, a tech savvy purchaser's needs and wants. Hence, he frequently knows which property a purchaser is going to choose, and where to find it. This partly intuition, but largely from experience. Still, in the end we only provide suggested course of action and information.  The home hunter---not the agent---always calls the shots. Will Nesbitt makes real estate in 22314 in the City of Alexandria easy. Photo of 800 S Saint Asaph St #204

Compare 800 S Saint Asaph St #204 To

Will Nesbitt can guide you, if you would like to inspect 800 S Saint Asaph St #204 or any of the places below. On the other hand, if needed, Will can provide details and more information.

Contact Will Nesbitt

To learn a bit more about this 2-bedroom 2-baths Colonial-style dwelling, talk to a buyers agent such as Will Nesbitt. He is the whiz on real estate in 22314 in the City of Alexandria.

Nesbitt Realty , a family business serving real estate needs in Northern VA.

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