6723 Valley Brook Dr, Falls Church VA 22042 Listed

Place at Holmes Run Park

Sprawling Detached Home For $2,149,900 in Falls Church

6723 Valley Brook Dr, Falls Church VA was recently listed for sale and is listed for $2,149,900. So, you may want to reflect on this dwelling (depending upon your price range). Nevertheless, compare 6723 Valley Brook Dr to others in the area that have roughly 4,375 sqft of living area. Continue reading

Falls Church Area Real Estate Report

Real estate inventory data, what's sold and facts about Falls Church area real estate as of 10/07/2021

Are you thinking of purchasing real estate in Falls Church area? As might be expected, you will want to learn something about Falls Church area real estate. In addition, many buyer clients might be shocked by what is happening to the Falls Church area real estate market. See below for more information about the current state of the Falls Church area real estate market, including
  • real estate inventory data
  • what's recently sold in the Falls Church area
  • facts about Falls Church real estate
Our agents are happy to serve your Falls Church area real estate needs. Continue reading

Nesbitt Realty Can Sell Your Detached Home At Holmes Run Park Fast And For The Best Price

What has recently sold at Holmes Run Park?

Do you know what your home in the Falls Church Area at Holmes Run Park is truly worth? Will Nesbitt can help you find the market value of your home in Fairfax County for free. Phone Will Nesbitt to get a free and more accurate assessment of your property's value. Will can also prepare a marketing plan to show to you how he plans to get you the best price as quickly as possible.

Did you know that in at Holmes Run Park:

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7817 Sycamore Dr, Falls Church VA 22042 Advertised For Sale

Dreaming about Properties At Holmes Run Acres? Deliberate This Detached Home.

So, is 7817 Sycamore Dr the dream place for you? Frankly, Stuart Nesbitt really doesn't know.  That is, unless you answer a series of questions. Can you afford $750,000? Is it actually worth $787,395 or $712,405? Are you searching for a $749,900 3-bedroom detached home in Falls Church, Virginia? Do you need 2 full baths and 0 half baths? How would you like Nesbitt Realty to rebate you $4,535 on this purchase? As a home buyer you can deduct your property taxes, and many of the costs involved in buying a dwelling in Fairfax County.  Ask Stuart Nesbitt to explain the benefits of buying. He can help. Continue reading