my mortgage time passing tips and tricks without car vehicle

see carl sandburg the original fort hunt high school education days of aim or aol chatting skateboards cds band t shirts. long boring summers with cable television am i too old to watch sponge bob square pants whoah mtv comedy central you have some good points on this and my personality. so my youth best friend bird being a awesome tour guide see the pseudo bodega 7 eleven john and kevin in that universe taking the bus to springfield. just chilling. mike another good old pal with before school ritual youth sports. many people here and there in the shout outs rick cash paid when i got those rock and roll cassettes gifted. girls and conversations though  thankful for *cough* guitar to say the least. kids toys and kids books the headless horsemen holidays school cancellations snow days. here's my present day aristocratic single pseudo ghetto campus participation activities:
  1. non car commute do a loop on the longboard. ride a bike on an errand. be mindful of if it would be a good idea to save up for a scooter though the current bureaucracy. pocket bike rack fanny pack bookbag messenger bag.
  2. shop with a cash bill see what is there that can induce 'turbo'. some things to think about alcohol format sur charged marketing gimmick foods. thrift store browsing digging searching.
  3. parks basketball pole skateboarding common area dog park though grover's been attacked.
  4. walk stop by the library for pick ups. watch weight sink off. go on a walk to walmart target walgreens 7 eleven a restaurant. escape the suburbs for a little while. see the incognito traffic.
  5. visuals blog and document homemade media. day dream about the stones exile on main street kerouac and the beats enjoy the cash injected comforts provided see dmb or university distributions gwar iron and wine conor oberst. through the past darkly album covers a magazine to digest from a store shelf. make a movie with a tripod.
  6. benches public space to have a cute pseudo picnic. belle view the further parkway. the lesson of doing something and the effect of. tax and the sheriff. retirement disability good karma my parents peoples healthcare choices.
  7. dog give him a chance to go use the bathroom. give up on previous ideas will a dog get me opportunites with women will being pseudo gay be single and business oriented [sic logistics]
  8. material brainstorm see the overheard embellishments and flattery compliments of dreams tried plus with insurance and without injury. what to publish. who will collaborate.
  9. athletics prefer to record landing skateboard tricks. the nearby fitness place. shooting the bball. past era of running.
  10. social opportunity where are the openings for fun see constraints and professional livelihood leisure. henry miller admired my appreciated relationships despite my christmas carol short handed cited thesis. being a guest daydreams of movie references and other famous qualities. the events merch beer scotch red wine music other planned activities movies anniversaries parties convention.
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Aubrey Nesbitt

View posts by Aubrey Nesbitt
Aubrey Nesbitt is a native of Northern Virginia who attended Virginia Commonwealth University. He is a veteran of the US Army and helps his family business by providing informational articles like this one. In addition to photography and blogging, Aubrey provides administrative support for the office. Aubrey is a service-disabled retired veteran and a part of our family. We give him the opportunity to work at the office and on the web as part of his recovery. The opinions and statements presented by Aubrey are his own and we don't necessarily agree with them.