8220 Crestwood Heights Dr #1617, McLean VA 22102 Advertised For Sale

$820,000 Listed At 8220 Crestwood Heights Dr #1617 In Fairfax County

Should you make an offer buy 8220 Crestwood Heights Dr #1617? Maybe. Do you need 2 full baths and 0 half baths? Are you looking for a $820,000 home in McLean, Virginia? Can you afford $820,000? Is it actually worth $861,000 or $779,000? How would you like Nesbitt Realty to rebate you $5,062 on this purchase? If you have questions about this home in 22102 in Fairfax County, reach out to Nesbitt Realty , a family business serving real estate needs in Northern VA.. We can help. Continue reading