Ready To Move To A Small Unit At Marina Towers In 22314 In The City Of Alexandria?

Take a look at this $1,750 like 501 Slaters Ln #17 in Alexandria, Virginia.
$424,900 at Marina Towers
  • Julie Nesbitt suggests, “Make a list of your top priorities and focus in on things that are most important to you.”
  • It’s critical to shop a whiz like Julie Nesbitt who will take the time to listen and understand your dreams.
  • A home is still considered a great investment. However, the most important role of a home is to be a comfortable, safe place where you want to live.
1200 Braddock Pl #103


1200 Braddock Pl #103


1200 Braddock Pl #103


1200 Braddock Pl #103


1200 Braddock Pl #103


1200 Braddock Pl #103


1200 Braddock Pl #103


1200 Braddock Pl #103


1200 Braddock Pl #103


1200 Braddock Pl #103


1600 Prince St #611


1600 Prince St #611


1600 Prince St #611


1600 Prince St #611


1600 Prince St #611


1600 Prince St #611


1600 Prince St #611


1600 Prince St #611


1600 Prince St #611


1600 Prince St #611


418 N Saint Asaph St #B


418 N Saint Asaph St #B


418 N Saint Asaph St #B


418 N Saint Asaph St #B


418 N Saint Asaph St #B


418 N Saint Asaph St #B


418 N Saint Asaph St #B


418 N Saint Asaph St #B


418 N Saint Asaph St #B


418 N Saint Asaph St #B


1105 Pitt St #3b


1105 Pitt St #3b


1105 Pitt St #3b


1105 Pitt St #3b


1105 Pitt St #3b


1105 Pitt St #3b


1105 Pitt St #3b


1105 Pitt St #3b


1105 Pitt St #3b


1105 Pitt St #3b


718 Fayette St #31


718 Fayette St #31


718 Fayette St #31


718 Fayette St #31


718 Fayette St #31


718 Fayette St #31


718 Fayette St #31


718 Fayette St #31


718 Fayette St #31


718 Fayette St #31


504 Bashford Ln #3132


504 Bashford Ln #3132


504 Bashford Ln #3132


504 Bashford Ln #3132


504 Bashford Ln #3132


504 Bashford Ln #3132


504 Bashford Ln #3132


504 Bashford Ln #3132


504 Bashford Ln #3132


504 Bashford Ln #3132


Julie Nesbitt
Julie Nesbitt
Julie Nesbitt is responsive and always willing to answer any question about real estate in Alexandria, Virginia.  

Julie Nesbitt

View posts by Julie Nesbitt
Julie Nesbitt is an ABR who has served buyers in some of Alexandria’s most exclusive neighborhoods.  She is a top producing agent who has listed and sold property in Northern Virginia. In addition to helping folks buy, sell and rent property in Northern Virginia, Julie is the primary administrator of the property management services performed by Nesbitt Realty and Condo Alexandria. Call Julie at (703)765-0300.