My 4 favorite parks in Alexandria

A skate park in Alexandria in the summer
A skate park in Alexandria in the summer
  1. Bucknell Manor: A neighborhood surrounds this accessible portion of Fairfax County land that features a basketball court, a baseball field, and a tot lot.
  2. Jones Point: Two gigantic bridges create shade below where there are basketball courts, paved trails, Potomac River land locked fishing spots, and connectivity into Old Town, Alexandria via the Mount Vernon trail.
  3. Duke Street skate park: Ramps, rails, ledges, terrain, in a enclosed amateur friendly deep concrete park, in West End. Extreme sports include BMX, skateboarding, scootering, and roller blading.
  4. Westgrove dog park: Benches, social dog activity, hidden from plain view.

Properties in Alexandria

Aubrey Nesbitt

View posts by Aubrey Nesbitt
Aubrey Nesbitt is a native of Northern Virginia who attended Virginia Commonwealth University. He is a veteran of the US Army and helps his family business by providing informational articles like this one. In addition to photography and blogging, Aubrey provides administrative support for the office. Aubrey is a service-disabled retired veteran and a part of our family. We give him the opportunity to work at the office and on the web as part of his recovery. The opinions and statements presented by Aubrey are his own and we don't necessarily agree with them.