Happy Saint Patrick’s Day from Nesbitt Realty

Happy Saint Patrick's Day from Nesbitt Realty! We hope you have a happy and safe holiday.
Father and son celebrate Saint Patrick's Day by wearing green at the office
Father and son celebrate Saint Patrick's Day by wearing green at the office
If you are looking for a fun place to celebrate, there are a variety of the bars and restaurants to chose from in the Northern Virginia area. For instance, there are options in Arlington like Clarendon's Sobe Bar & Bistro (which participates in the annual neighborhood bar crawl) or in Alexandria like at Old Town's Murphy's. Furthermore, there are a lot of Irish restaurants to chose from in Old Town including Irish Walk, O'Connell's, and O'shaugnessy's.
Clarendon real estate agents.
Nesbitt Realty can help you buy and sell real estate in Clarendon.