Do you have questions about real estate services near Jefferson-Houston School?

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Jefferson-Houston School is Alexandria's first Pre-K to 8th-grade school. It is located on the west side of Alexandria's Old Town, near the King Street Metro Station. A new, state-of-the-art school facility opened in September 2014. The school is dedicated to two prominent Americans: Thomas Jefferson, the third president of the United States, and Charles Hamilton Houston, a lawyer and humanitarian. The school is one of the Public Schools in Alexandria, located at 1501 Cameron Street, Alexandria.
We believe that a school not unlike Jefferson-Houston School in Alexandria is vitally important to fully develop a young mind. Phone Nesbitt Realty for real estate services near Jefferson-Houston School.


The local middle schools can have a effect on the cost of real estate in Alexandria. For this reason it's crucial to investigate nearby middle schools such as Jefferson-Houston School when you make your decision. Talk to a real estate professional about school ratings and to learn more about this area.

Related Communities: Alexandria, and Old Town


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Stuart Nesbitt
Stuart Nesbitt