Eight Elements To Note About Hollin Brook Park

Photo of 7807 Daybreak Ct Julie Nesbitt is very knowledgeable about Alexandria real estate and well versed in the process from the property seeker's side. Contact Julie Nesbitt to learn more about real estate in Fairfax County.

Does Hollin Brook Park suit your needs?

  1. West Potomac High School serves Hollin Brook Park.
  2. Hollin Brook Park homes typically do have garages.
  3. Many were built in 1958.
  4. Properties in Hollin Brook Park typically have 4 to 5 bedrooms.
  5. You might want to compare Hollin Brook Park to Dominion Valley Country.
  6. The average above grade living area in Hollin Brook Park is 2,481 sq.ft.
  7. The most popular style of property on the market today is Colonial.
  8. Middle school children at Hollin Brook Park attend Carl Sandburg, and Sandburg Middle Schools.

Properties in Hollin Brook Park


We’re always happy to chat. Call us at (703)765-0300 for a personal consultation.  You can also email us at [email protected].  
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Julie Nesbitt
Julie Nesbitt
Our agents have the experience and local knowledge to find your dream home.

Julie Nesbitt

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Julie Nesbitt is an ABR who has served buyers in some of Alexandria’s most exclusive neighborhoods.  She is a top producing agent who has listed and sold property in Northern Virginia. In addition to helping folks buy, sell and rent property in Northern Virginia, Julie is the primary administrator of the property management services performed by Nesbitt Realty and Condo Alexandria. Call Julie at (703)765-0300.