Tips for searching by zip code

Carlyle Towers
Brick driveway of Carlyle Towers
There are a few key concepts that any prospective purchaser should know when seeking real estate by zip code:
  1. ZIP Codes are categories for grouping mailing addresses and are not exact geographic regions.
  2. The centroid of a ZIP Code may be in one County and the associated city/town in another.
  3. In rural areas, a single ZIP Code may be used for cities and towns in several different Counties / Independent Cities.
  4. ZIP Code “areas” can overlap, be subsets of each other, or be artificial constructs with no geographic area.
  5. ZIP Codes are only loosely tied to cities.

Search for Real Estate by Zip code

Using our powerful Northern Virginia Real Estate Search you can search by zip code anywhere in Northern VA. In addition, we've compiled this list of zip codes in Northern Virginia.

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Are you looking for a home in a particular ZIP code?

Mr. Zip
Mr. Zip is still making his rounds
A  ZIP Code is a category for grouping mailing addresses and thus ZIP codes are not exact geographic regions. That means that ZIP Codes are only loosely tied to cities. In some cases, ZIP Codes can overlap, be subsets of each other, or be artificial constructs with no geographic area. Sometimes the center of a ZIP Code may be in one County and the associated city/town in another. However, ZIP codes are sometimes useful for finding homes for sale in a particular area.  For a list of ZIP codes check out