104th Annual McLean Day Celebrated With About 10,000 People Attending

The band Big Bang Boom performs at McLean Day
The 104th annual McLean Day was held on Saturday, May 18, 2019, at Lewinsville Park in McLean. About 10,000 people attended the annual community get together.  Large carnival rides were provided by Reithoffer Shows on Friday and Saturday which were the main attraction to the festival. 101 vendors and crafters, and 11 food trucks participated in the festival along with the McLean Rotary Club. The Joy of Dance and Big Bang Boom performed on the main stage. The Teen Character Awards were also presented by the McLean Citizens Association at the event. The elections and voting for the MCC Governing Board were also held at the festival. The field games played by the children included Bubble Ball and Laser Tag. There was also a Petting Zoo at the event. Continue reading