Questions regarding real estate near Hank Harris Tennis Academy?

Our tiny brokerage has a local market savvy Realtor who can help.

Hank Harris Tennis Academy is situated at 1200 N Quaker Ln, Alexandria, VA 22302, United States. The owner of the Tennis Academy is Hank Harris, he has been the Director of Tennis programs at Episcopal High School for the past 20 years and has held his summer Tennis Academy at EHS since 1994. Nesbitt Realty Realtors are eager to provide real estate advice to clients in Alexandria. If you have specific questions about Hank Harris Tennis Academy, our real estate advisors are local experts. In other words, we are able to answer questions about neighborhoods, commutes, rental management and real estate matters. If your questions are regarding the inner workings or practices of Hank Harris Tennis Academy, we will mostly likely only point you to other resources.


Tennis Courts and Tennis Clubs

Related Communities: Alexandria, and West End


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Call (703)765-0300

Nesbitt Inspirational
Year's end is neither an end nor a beginning but a going on, with all the wisdom that experience can instill in us. -Hal Borland