Questions about real estate near Independence Nontraditional School?

Our local real estate company has a agent who knows the answer.

Independence Nontraditional School is located at 14550 Aden Rd, Manassas. It serves over 1,000 students in grades K–12. The real estate near Independence Nontraditional School in Manassas, VA, offers a diverse selection of housing options to cater to various lifestyles. You can find a mix of single-family homes, townhouses, and apartments in this neighborhood, providing choices for homeowners and renters alike. Many properties feature well-maintained lawns and a suburban feel, making it an attractive option for families. The proximity to Independence Nontraditional School is convenient for families looking for accessible educational opportunities. The real estate market in this area is known for its stability, making it an appealing choice for those seeking a steady and welcoming community in Manassas.
We know that a school comparable to Independence Nontraditional School in Manassas is important to fully develop a young mind. Connect with Nesbitt Realty for real estate services near Independence Nontraditional School.


The local school system can have a effect on the cost of real estate in Manassas. That's why it's important to find out more about nearby middle schools like Independence Nontraditional School before you make your decision. Talk to a real estate professional about school ratings and to learn more about this community.

Do you need a rental property manager in Manassas?

A dedicated manager worries about the landlord's rental as if it were his own.  And, a caring rental property manager looks after the property's tenants. A professional management professional knows that calls come in round the clock and is still eager to handle the necessaries. Read more about Nesbitt Realty & Property Management.

Related Communities: Manassas, and Prince William County


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