Why Mason Neck?

Mason Neck, VA is located in Fairfax County. It has a population of 1,983. The median income in Mason Neck, VA is $149,750 and the median home value is $621,800. Given below are some facts that tell why you should choose to live in Mason Neck.Continue reading

Have a Run Near the Neighborhoods of Kingstowne

Kingstowne features a variety of neighborhoods with different housing options, including townhouses, condos and single family residences. Locally this area is serviced by the Kingstowne  shopping center. Right after the shopping center there is a trail that goes along a man made lake and leads directly to a neighborhood. Geese can be seen in the lake and on the trail. Along the trail there is a gazebo that offers seating and a view. The trail is paved and can support most bikes. On the weekends the trail is used by runners. This is a great place to get out and get some exercise at.    

Wonderful Wildlife In the Backyards of Northern Virginia

Northern Virginia is the host to deer that occasionally run from wooded areas to back yards and roads. Usually there are no deer  crossing signs. With an appropriate distance the deer are not dangerous. The deer occasionally just show up in different areas of town and continue with their business.  

Properties in Kingstowne