Pricing For Our Rental Management Services In Lewis Park

How much does a property manager cost in Lewis Park?

Below, we spell out the fees we charge. If you need help understanding this, or need any assistance, please Get in touch with us. We're always ready to answer questions for new clients.

If you compare prices with other property managers in Lewis Park, you'll will learn that Nesbitt Realty & Management is usually one of the lease expensive options you'll find for management. And, our prices are in the middle of the market for marketing a rental property.  Although our listing fees are pretty standard, we further discount our listing fees for owners who employ our rental management services.

No Hidden Fees

If you try to compare our fees to other managers, stay on the look-out for hidden fees. Many of our competitors claim to have low prices, but when you add in the extra fees and start-up fees, we in fact beat them on price.

Get started now.

Questions? Call us at (703)765-0300

We will match or beat any published price in Lewis Park.

Leasing Services Only
~ a good way to find great tenants in Lewis Park ~
3/4 of 1 month's rent
1 time fee

Professional Photography - Includes a floorplan and 3-D virtual tour that allows prospective tenants to tour the property remotely.

Signage - For rent sign installed at your property (where allowed)

Showing - We show the property to qualified prospective tenants.

Prepare the Lease - The lease is written by Realtor association staff attorneys and your agent fills in relevant details.

Collect Funds - We collect funds for security deposit, initial rent and background fees.

Exposure - We put the property on hundreds of websites, and the Multiple Listing Service which makes it available to every Realtor in Northern Virginia.

Lowest Price Guarantee - If price is your primary concern, we can eliminate the professional photography to discount the listing fee down to 1/2 of one month rent. Our agents take pretty good photos with today's mobile phones, but this will not include a 3-D virtual tour.

Premium Rental Management Services
~ our safest option ~
month's rent

Everything included with standard professional rental management services

Safety Net - Nesbitt Realty will guarantee the tenant's rent for 1 full year. If the tenant is late, Nesbitt Realty will make a timely payment. If the tenant defaults, Nesbitt Realty will pay up to 1 month of rent to cover the landlord's losses.

Tenant Damage Protection - When tenant damages exceed funds in the security deposit, Nesbitt Realty will cover an additional 25% of a month's rent for repairs.

Discounted Pricing

All prices include discount incentives. Some of these incentives can be waived, but the discounts will no longer apply to the price. 

Listing Fee Discount - Published price includes a discount equal to 25% of 1 month's rent for using our property management services.

Additional Listing Discount - Pricing can be discounted another 25% of 1 month's rent if we do not use professional photography. Minimum fee is $1000

Management Fee Discount - Published prices includes a discount for a 2 year management agreement and an additional discount for listing the property with Nesbitt Realty when/if you sell. All agreements include an early termination provision and landlords are never required to sell property. Minimum monthly fee is $85.

If you own 3 or more rental properties, ask about our volume pricing!

Lewis Park Property Management Resources


Fundamental information regarding property management in Lewis Park.

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Getting Started

Learn more about getting started with property management

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Find A Tenant

Market your property to rent to find a great tenant in Lewis Park fast.

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How does Nesbitt Realty keep track of income and expenses for landlords?

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An overview of prices of rental management in Lewis Park

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How Nesbitt Realty checks the backgrounds of tenants for our clients.

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What is a contingency reserve account?

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Where does Nesbitt Realty manage rental investments?

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Who uses Nesbitt Realty management services?

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Call (703)765-0300 to speak to a property manager now.


Nesbitt Realty is a award-winning business that appreciates your business.

Do you need a rental property manager?

Learn more about our rental management services. We service landlords in Virginia.

Should you know more about this community?

Nesbitt Realty's Guide to Real Estate is a free resource for everyone who needs to find out more about Lewis Park and surrounding areas.  The Guide to Real Estate has facts regarding what has sold and what is on the market, as well as a couple of interesting facts that you might not be aware of.  Furthermore, our Guide features many of the fundamentals of living in Lewis Park.  Naturally, all of this is interesting for buyers and sellers, but owners and renters may also find this data to be very sobering.