End of Tenancy and Breaking The Lease in Autumn Woods

What happens in Autumn Woods when the lease is over?

At the end of the lease term in Autumn Woods, either party can opt to end the tenancy. The property owner could choose not to renew the lease or the renter could choose to not to renew the lease. If the rental owner wishes to end the lease, or conclude our rental management services, please send us written notice as described in your management agreement.

If we don't receive such notice, we will strive to make choices that will keep your property producing the highest possible net income. This means that we will routinely contact a renter 6 to 8 weeks before the end of the lease in order to renew the lease.

At that point we give the tenant two options:

  1. Month-to-month --- This will include a large rent increase.
  2. Renew the lease --- This will lock the rental property up for another year with a small rent increase.

When tenants break the lease

Sometimes things happen that require a tenant to break the lease. If this occures, Nesbitt Realty tries to minimize the impact of this event on the property owner. If a renter leaves with little or no notice, this will surely cause the renter to surrender the deposit but this is never a windfall for the rental investor. That money is consumed by paying for vacancy and the cost of acquiring a new tenant .

Readying the rental investment

We will have the carpet professional cleaned upon renter move-out and the actual cost of carpeting will be deducted from the renter 's security deposit, per your lease.
We recommend that the rental owner replace the carpet every 5 to 7 years. We recommend that the rental owner paint every 5 to 7 years.


During vacancies we will either put the utilities in our name or in the rental owner's name.