Questions about real estate near Brittany Neighborhood Park?

Our tiny operation has a local experienced real estate pro who knows the answer.

Brittany Neighborhood Park is situated at 4100 Exeter Dr, Dumfries. The park has 2 tennis courts, a basketball court, a sand volleyball court, a large open play area, and a large playground. Real estate near Brittany Neighborhood Park, offers a blend of suburban tranquility and accessibility to outdoor recreation, making it a desirable location for families and individuals seeking a balance between nature and community amenities. The area features a variety of housing options, from spacious single-family homes to convenient townhouses, all within close proximity to schools, shopping centers, and major highways. This neighborhood provides a peaceful living environment with the added benefit of having a community park, where residents can enjoy playgrounds, walking trails, and picnic areas, fostering a strong sense of community among neighbors.
Nesbitt Realty real estate agents are local experts who can help you find the best home at the perfect price.


We understand that Brittany Neighborhood Park is a good benefit for residents of Prince William County and close areas. Of course, we would appreciate to provide our expert opinion about a specific real estate near Brittany Neighborhood Park, but our broker requires that we sign a representation agreement before talking about any specific home. If you would like to learn more, email Nesbitt Realty, we're eager to help.

Related Communities: Dumfries, and Prince William County


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Will & Julie Nesbitt