Are you transferring from Fairfax because of your career at ThinkGeek?

Your responsive real estate pro from Nesbitt Realty can assist.

ThinkGeek serves to computer enthusiasts and "geek culture". Their merchandise offers clothing, electronic and scientific gadgets, unusual computer peripherals, office toys, pet toys, child toys, and caffeinated drinks and candy. ThinkGeek is based in Fairfax.

Nesbitt Realty can sell real estate quickly and for the best price.

Get in touch with Nesbitt Realty to sell your home in Fairfax or anywhere in Northern Virginia. We can provide an accurate assessment of the market value of your property so you can your best decision today. We have local experience working with buyers, sellers, renters and landlords in Fairfax and we'd appreciate to serve you.  


Are you relocating to Fairfax?

Our agents are relocation specialists.  We know the ins-and-outs and the highways and byways to get you quickly to work and the best area to suit your tastes. We can point you at communities that you didn't even know existed to find your dream choice. Whether you're new to ThinkGeek or you've been here for a long time, we're eager to serve your needs.

Your solid real estate pro from Nesbitt Realty is committed to real estate in Fairfax and looks forward to helping clients like you seek and find the property that is perfect for you.

The buуеr'ѕ аgеnt is the real estate professional who represents purchasers whеn thеу рurсhаѕе real estate. This аgеnt interacts with thе seller's agent (called thе listing аgеnt). A buyer's аgеnt is paid оnсе thе dеаl goes thrоugh and the buyer does not pay the buyer's commission.  Learn more about how a Nesbitt Realty buyer's agent can help you realize your real estate goals in Fairfax or anywhere in Northern Virginia.

Related Communities: Fairfax, and Fairfax County


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Call (703)765-0300

Will and Julie Nesbitt
Julie and Will Nesbitt pause from property management to take a quick picture.