7024 Achilles Ct, Alexandria Real Estate Advisory

Do you want to learn more about real estate in the area near and inside the Beltway?

When it comes time to purchase a residence, the majority of purchasers have a pretty clear idea of what they want to buy and how much they want to pay. You can purchase 7024 Achilles Ct Alexandria VA 22315 for close to $600,000. This property has 1,414 sqft of above grade living area. If you're hunting for an interior unit townhouse around $600,000 then the Alexandria area could be where you want to shop.
7024 Achilles Ct, Alexandria 22315

*Offer Deadline Monday June 17 9AM* Fabulous 3-level Alexandria/Kingstowne brick and siding townhome in an amazing neighborhood Short distance to the Springfield-Franconia METRO! This updated spacious 2100+ SqFt home with beautiful hardwood ... [Read more]

$584,888 ⁙ 3 BR ⁙ 2 BA ⁙ 2 HB ⁙ Alexandria

About The Same Size As 7024 Achilles Ct?

All the properties in this table are about the same living area as 7024 Achilles Ct. Why compare properties of a similar size to 7024 Achilles Ct in Alexandria? In addition, by comparing similarly-sized places, a home buyer can better understand the asking price and the real estate market in Alexandria.
Budget (1 to $300,000)2 Active
Affordable (300001 to $400,000)3 Active
Entry-Level (400001 to $550,000)4 Active
Choice (550001 to $750,000)10 Active
Premium (750001 to $950,001)4 Active
Luxury (950001 to $1,950,000)2 Active
Photo of 7024 Achilles Ct Photo of 7024 Achilles Ct Photo of 7024 Achilles Ct
7024 Achilles Ct, Alexandria 22315

*Offer Deadline Monday June 17 9AM* Fabulous 3-level Alexandria/Kingstowne brick and siding townhome in an amazing neighborhood Short distance to the Springfield-Franconia METRO! This updated spacious 2100+ SqFt home with beautiful hardwood ... [Read more]

3 beds, 2 full, 2 part baths

Home size: 1,414 sqft

Added: 06/12/24, Last Updated: 06/16/2024

Property Type: Interior Unit Townhouse for Sale

MLS Number: VAFX2184296

Subdivision: Devonshire Townhomes

Alexandria Home Buying Clues

Julie's helpful information of the day for buyers looking at 7024 Achilles Ct in Alexandria

It’s easy to get wrapped up in your present needs. But, a home hunter should also think about reselling his interior unit townhouse purchase in Alexandria. So, the most suitable time to start thinking about advertised for sale real estate is well before you actually buy real estate. Julie Nesbitt can give you details about 7024 Achilles Ct but most of the traditional homes in Devonshire Townhomes were built in 2006. Compare this interior unit townhouse at 7024 Achilles Ct to others in 22315 to understand what $600,000 can buy in Alexandria, Virginia. Julie Nesbitt is very remarkable and stands ready to serve buyer clients in Alexandria. If you're just considering options but not yet ready to move, Julie is patient and well regarded. When you're ready to move forward she can help you navigate through the reams of paperwork that will make your dreams become reality. Photo of 7024 Achilles Ct

More Listings Comparable To 7024 Achilles Ct

Julie Nesbitt can help you, if you would like to view 7024 Achilles Ct or any of the places below. What is more, if needed, Julie can provide details and more information.

How can we help?

7024 Achilles Ct is nice, but so much nicer when Nesbitt Realty helps with the down payment. Learn more about how rebates work and how much you can save with Nesbitt Realty. If you need more details, Julie Nesbitt can show you exactly what $600,000 can buy you in 22315 in Fairfax County today. Photo of 7024 Achilles Ct

Nesbitt Realty , a family business serving real estate needs in Northern VA.

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