4646 28th Rd S #A, Arlington VA 22206 Listed

Useful Pieces of Info For Purchasers Shopping In The Arlington Area

Do you worry about purchasing real estate like 4646 28th Rd S #A in 22206 in Arlington County? Furthermore, you might find something you don't like in the The Arlington association documents. But, Stuart Nesbitt can explain to you how to void the contract with no issues so that you don't get stuck in an association that doesn't benefit you the buyer. Not to mention, there will be risks to manage and overcome.  But, a real estate specialist like Stuart can help you to avoid most of the risks  associated with buying a condo in 22206 in Arlington.
4646 28th Rd S #A, Arlington 22206

OPEN HOUSE SUN 6/16 from 1-3pm.... Lovely 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom condo nestled in The Arlington! This home features fresh paint throughout & newly installed engineered hardwood flooring (2022) in the main living areas! The spacious living room ... [Read more]

Photo of 4646 28th Rd S #A $425,000 ‧ 2 bed ‧ 1 bath ‧ 0 half-bath ‧ Arlington VA

About The Same Size As 4646 28th Rd S #A In Arlington County?

All the condos in this table are around the same living area as 4646 28th Rd S #A. Why compare properties of a similar size to 4646 28th Rd S #A in Arlington County? As a matter of fact, by comparing similarly-sized condos, a home buyer can better understand the asking price and the real estate market in Arlington County and Northern VA.
Budget (1 to $300,000)4 Active
Affordable (300001 to $400,000)3 Active
Entry-Level (400001 to $550,000)3 Active
Choice (550001 to $750,000)1 Active
Luxury (950001 to $1,950,000)1 Active
Photo of 4646 28th Rd S #A

Subdivisions In Arlington County With Homes About This Size

All the neighborhoods in this table have properties listed which are roughly the same living area as 4646 28th Rd S #A. Why identify neighborhoods like this? Because, by comparing some communities, a shopper can get what is in truth available in Arlington County.
Columbia1 Active
Cambridge Courts1 Active
Park Spring1 Active
Key and Nash1 Active
The Chatham1 Active
Westmoreland Terrace1 Active
Lyon Park1 Active
Charleston1 Active
Arlington Village1 Active
The Carlton1 Active
The Arlington1 Active
Photo of 4646 28th Rd S #A

How Much Home Can You Get In Arlington For Around $425,000?

Are you wondering how much living area you can purchase for the same price as 4646 28th Rd S #A? The table below shows the sizes of other modest places now available in Arlington. All of these condos cost about as much as 4646 28th Rd S #A.
Tiny (1 to 600 sqft)1 Active
Smaller (601 to 700 sqft)3 Active
Small (701 to 1,100 sqft)5 Active
Modest (1101 to 1,500 sqft)1 Active
Check the status on 4646 28th Rd S #AThe ArlingtonArlington22206Photo of 4646 28th Rd S #A

Arlington Home Buying Tips

Stuart's suggestions of the day for buyers looking at 4646 28th Rd S #A in Arlington

Don’t wait until you’ve located a property in 22206 to get approved for a mortgage, investigate insurance, or consider a moving schedule. Further, Stuart Nesbitt can help with the preliminary work of purchasing. Condos in The Arlington are around 20 years old. This condo in 22206 is listed for $425,000. You might decide that renting is better for you than purchasing, because securing a purchase on a condo has its drawbacks. Talk to Stuart Nesbitt to learn more about the advantages and disadvantages of getting real estate in 22206 in Arlington County.

Additional Listings About The Same Price

Stuart Nesbitt can aid you, if you would like to learn a bit more about 4646 28th Rd S #A or any of the condos below. Besides, if needed, Stuart can provide details and more information.

Nesbitt Realty is a family-run real estate business serving Arlington, Virginia.

4646 28th Rd S #A is nice, but so much nicer when Nesbitt Realty helps with the down payment. Learn more about how rebates work and how much you can save with Nesbitt Realty. Reach out to Stuart Nesbitt to learn more from your guru on Arlington, Virginia real estate. Photo of 4646 28th Rd S #A

Nesbitt Realty , a family business serving real estate needs in Northern VA.

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