1800 Old Meadow Rd #710, McLean Real Estate Announcement

A Primer On Condos Listed In Fairfax County

750 Sqft of Living Space in 22102 For $649,000?

Nesbitt Realty , a family business serving real estate needs in Northern VA. tells us that 1800 Old Meadow Rd #710, McLean VA is a surprising small opportunity at $649,000. But, compare this to the average square feet (750) of properties in Regency At McLean to get a sense of today's market. Photo of 1800 Old Meadow Rd #710 $649,000 :: 2 BR :: 2 BA :: 0 HB :: McLean Virginia

There is so much to say about this very special condo! The Regency is known for generous square footage --- this unit has 1,702 square feet. During the total renovation the Air Handlers were replaced * The walls were taken down to the ... [Read more]

About The Same Size As 1800 Old Meadow Rd #710?

All the condos in this table are about the same living area as 1800 Old Meadow Rd #710. Why compare properties of a similar size to 1800 Old Meadow Rd #710 in McLean? Further, by comparing similarly-sized homes, a home hunter can better understand the asking price and the real estate market in McLean.
Entry-Level (400001 to $550,000)1 Active
Choice (550001 to $750,000)1 Active
Premium (750001 to $950,001)2 Active
Luxury (950001 to $1,950,000)5 Active
Super Luxury ($1,950,001 and up)1 Active

Communities In Fairfax County Around $649,000

All the communities in this table have properties selling which are about the same living area as 1800 Old Meadow Rd #710. Why identify areas like this? Because, by comparing several communities, a purchaser can understand what is exactly available in Fairfax County.

Seeking At Least 1,616 Sqft Of Condo In 22102 in McLean For Less Than $675,000?

More about 1800 Old Meadow Rd #710 :: Regency At McLean :: McLean :: 22102 ::

McLean Home Buying Clues

Nesbitt Realty's pro tips of the day for buyers looking at 1800 Old Meadow Rd #710 in McLean

Nesbitt Realty advises that buyers looking at 1800 Old Meadow Rd #710 in Fairfax County find a results-driven Realtor that works to a great extent with buyer clients in Fairfax County. Nesbitt Realty , a family business serving real estate needs in Northern VA. is a bright agent who can meet you in a timely manner. Nesbitt Realty has experience working with primarily home shoppers. Accordingly, we comprehends how time is of the essence when shopping for a place in a hot market. This property is listed for sale asking $649,000. Properties in Regency At McLean were built in 1988. Moreover, it's a good idea check out to a property in 22102 at different times of the day and night. “Communities in McLean, Virginia can change drastically when everyone is home from work and school,” says Nesbitt Realty , a family business serving real estate needs in Northern VA.. Nesbitt Realty , a family business serving real estate needs in Northern VA. loves saving home hunters money in 22102.

Others Priced Like 1800 Old Meadow Rd #710

Nesbitt Realty , a family business serving real estate needs in Northern VA. can guide you, if you would like to discover more about 1800 Old Meadow Rd #710 or any of the condos below. Further, if needed, Nesbitt Realty can provide details and more information.

Our little company produces tremendous effects.  

Nesbitt Realty is offering a rebate of $3,721 to any buyer that uses Nesbitt Realty , a family business serving real estate needs in Northern VA. to buy 1800 Old Meadow Rd #710. Nesbitt Realty , a family business serving real estate needs in Northern VA. can provide more information about 1800 Old Meadow Rd #710 and provide a tour for qualified buyers. Reach out to Nesbitt Realty , a family business serving real estate needs in Northern VA. to learn more.

Nesbitt Realty , a family business serving real estate needs in Northern VA.

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