8452 Holly Leaf, McLean Real Estate Update

$3,600,000 ‧ McLean VA 22102 - Comparables and Suggestions

What do you want to pay for a new property? How much can you afford to pay? This real estate is available at 8452 Holly Leaf for just $3,599,999. If your buying budget is roughly $3,600,000 and you're checking out places in McLean you may want to contact Tez Green to tour 8452 Holly Leaf. Photo of 8452 Holly Leaf

Nestled in the trees, perched atop a hill, sits Rocky Run Farm, a private oasis located five minutes from Tysons Corner. The property, updated with a recent $400k renovation, retains its historic farmhouse style, while exuding charm and ... [Read more]

$3,599,999 ‧ 6 BR ‧ 5 BA ‧ 1 HB ‧ 6,150 SQFT ‧ McLean 22102 VA

About The Same Size As 8452 Holly Leaf?

All the homes in this table are about the same living area as 8452 Holly Leaf. Why compare properties of a similar size to 8452 Holly Leaf in McLean? Furthermore, by comparing similarly-sized properties, a buyer can better understand the asking price and the real estate market in McLean.
Super Luxury ($1,950,001 and up)21 Active

Communities In 22102 With This Size Home

All the communities in this table have homes available which are around the same living area as 8452 Holly Leaf. Why identify communities like this? Because, by comparing several communities, a home shopper can fully comprehend what is as a matter of fact available in 22102.
Dogwoods1 Active
McLean Estates1 Active
Swinks Mill1 Active
Foxhall of McLean1 Active
Photo of 8452 Holly Leaf

Looking For 1,759 Sqft In McLean?

Age Of Homes That Cost About As Much As 8452 Holly Leaf

Is the age of the detached home of importance to you? In this community, detached homes are typically 52 years old. What is more, you might wonder how old are similarly-priced homes advertised for sale in McLean? The table below can give you an idea of the age of homes that are selling for about $3,599,999.
Recently built (2021 - 2024)3 Active
Early 20th Century (1900 - 1937)1 Active
Photo of 8452 Holly Leaf Full details and pictures of 8452 Holly LeafMcLean EstatesMcLean22102Photo of 8452 Holly Leaf

McLean Home Buying Tips

Tez's useful information of the day for buyers looking at 8452 Holly Leaf in McLean

Not all websites have a direct feed to their local multiple listing service. In order to get the best results from the site supplying you with detached home updates, make sure you choose a website like NesbittRealty.com that is directly connected to our local MLS. Some websites update daily, meaning you won’t receive updates until the next day. Above all, Nesbitt Realty gets updates about McLean every few minutes! So, in detached home markets where detached homes are selling within hours, these late updates will not help much.  There is no point in falling in love with 8452 Holly Leaf if it's already sold. In Fairfax County, places are typically 52 years old. 8452 Holly Leaf McLean VA 22102 has 6 bedrooms and 6,150 sqft. This property is advertised for sale for $3,599,999. Tez Green is known for being extremely competent, very professional and thorough with excellent knowledge of 22102 in McLean.

Comparable In Price To 8452 Holly Leaf

Tez Green can help you, if you would like to visit 8452 Holly Leaf or any of the homes below. Furthermore, if needed, Tez can provide details and more information.

Nesbitt Realty is a family-run real estate business serving McLean.

8452 Holly Leaf is nice, but so much nicer when Nesbitt Realty helps with the down payment. Learn more about how rebates work and how much you can save with Nesbitt Realty. Tez Green can provide more information about 8452 Holly Leaf and provide a tour for qualified buyers. Reach out to Tez Green to learn more.

Nesbitt Realty , a family business serving real estate needs in Northern VA.

View posts by Nesbitt Realty , a family business serving real estate needs in Northern VA.