5624 Heming Ave, Springfield Real Estate Update

$710,000 Listed For Sale At 5624 Heming Ave In Fairfax County

If you're considering a home like 5624 Heming Ave, then this can a good place to start your education about purchasing real estate in the Springfield, Virginia area.  

Real Estate Elements About The 22151 Area

  • The median age of homes in the 22151 area is 50 years. 5624 Heming Ave is 64 years old.
  • The 22151 Area has an average price per square foot of $1,282. But, 5624 Heming Ave is $563 per sqft.
  • The average days on market in the 22151 area is 28 days.
  • The average living area in the 22151 area is 1,681 sqft. Above all, 5624 Heming Ave has 1,260 sqft of living area.
  • Did you know that brick is the most common type of exterior in the 22151 area?
2107 27th St S is the least expensive home in the 22151 area. 2107 27th St S is listed for $2,850. But, 3500 N Abingdon St is the highest-priced home in the 22151 area. 3500 N Abingdon St is asking $7,000,000. Besides, this information is deemed accurate but not guaranteed. But even so, this information will change.  What is true and accurate today, 06/18/2024, will not be entirely accurate tomorrow or the day before. Check with Tez Green for the latest real estate info from the 22151 area or for information about residences similar to 5624 Heming Ave. Photo of 5624 Heming Ave
5624 Heming Ave, Springfield 22151

**** OFFER DEADLINE 6pm 06/18*** ***SELLER RESERVES RIGHT TO ACCEPT AN OFFER PRIOR TO DEADLINE*** Welcome home to this classic North Springfield split-level with all the updates you would want your next home to have. As you approach this home ... [Read more]

Photo of 5624 Heming Ave $710,000 :-: 4 BR :-: 2 BA :-: 1 HB :-: 1,260 SQFT :-: 5624 Heming Ave Springfield 22151 VA What Can I Pick up In 22151 in Springfield For $700,000?

Subdivisions In Fairfax County With Homes About This Size

All the neighborhoods in this table have homes selling which are roughly the same living area as 5624 Heming Ave. Why identify areas like this? Because, by comparing several neighborhoods, a buyer can fully comprehend what is truly available in Fairfax County. Photo of 5624 Heming Ave

How Much Home Can You Get In Springfield For Around $710,000?

Are you wondering how much living area you can purchase for the same price as 5624 Heming Ave? The table below shows the sizes of other very large places now listed in Springfield. All of these homes cost close to as much as 5624 Heming Ave.
Modest (1101 to 1,500 sqft)4 Active
Photo of 5624 Heming Ave More about
5624 Heming Ave, Springfield 22151

**** OFFER DEADLINE 6pm 06/18*** ***SELLER RESERVES RIGHT TO ACCEPT AN OFFER PRIOR TO DEADLINE*** Welcome home to this classic North Springfield split-level with all the updates you would want your next home to have. As you approach this home ... [Read more]

|| North Springfield || Buyer's Rebate From Nesbitt Realty: $4,219 || MLS: VAFX2185234 Photo of 5624 Heming Ave

Springfield Home Buying Tips

Tez's pointers of the day for buyers looking at 5624 Heming Ave in Springfield

Tez Green is responsive and always willing to answer any question about real estate in 22151 in Fairfax County. 5624 Heming Ave Springfield VA 22151 is in North Springfield and the 22151 Zip code and is currently listed for $710,000. This residence has 1,260 sqft of above grade living area. Tez Green can give you specifics about 5624 Heming Ave but most of the colonial homes in North Springfield were built in 1974. Most of the homes in Fairfax County were built in 1974. 5624 Heming Ave is in Fairfax County. Find a tech savvy ace like Tez Green who works and plays in Fairfax County.

More Listings Comparable To 5624 Heming Ave

Tez Green can guide you, if you would like to discover more about 5624 Heming Ave or any of the residences below. In addition, if needed, Tez can provide details and more information.

Did you know that Nesbitt Realty in Northern Virginia will match any offer made by any Realtor?

Learn more about how rebates work and how much you can save with Tez Green. Connect with Tez Green to get an up to the minute look at exactly what $710,000 can buy you in Springfield.

Nesbitt Realty , a family business serving real estate needs in Northern VA.

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