6221 Beachway Dr, Falls Church Real Estate Announcement

Considering Residences At Lake Barcroft? Look At This Detached Home.

Contact us to learn more about 6221 Beachway Dr in 22041 in Falls Church. Photo of 6221 Beachway Dr

About The Same Size As 6221 Beachway Dr In Fairfax County?

All the properties in this table are close to the same living area as 6221 Beachway Dr. Why compare properties of a similar size to 6221 Beachway Dr in Fairfax County? Besides, by comparing similarly-sized residences, a buyer can better understand the asking price and the real estate market in Fairfax County and Northern VA.
Affordable (300001 to $400,000) 1 Active
Entry-Level (400001 to $550,000) 7 Active
Choice (550001 to $750,000) 32 Active
Premium (750001 to $950,001) 16 Active
Luxury (950001 to $1,950,000) 6 Active
Photo of 6221 Beachway Dr

How Much Home Can You Get In Fairfax County For Around $949,000?

Are you wondering how much living area you can purchase for the same price as 6221 Beachway Dr? The table below shows the sizes of other very large detached homes now selling in Fairfax County. All of these residences cost close to as much as 6221 Beachway Dr.
Small (701 to 1,100 sqft) 1 Active
Modest (1101 to 1,500 sqft) 7 Active
Mid-Sized (1501 to 2,000 sqft) 11 Active
Large (2001 to 2,500 sqft) 9 Active
Big (2501 to 3,000 sqft) 11 Active
Very Large (3001 to 4,000 sqft) 3 Active

What Styles Are Available For A Similar List Price In 22041?

Have you thought about what style of home you like? If you want to spend around $949,000 in 22041, there are only so many options to choose from. The selections are shown on the chart above.
Photo of 6221 Beachway Dr Full details about 6221 Beachway DrLake BarcroftFalls Church22041Photo of 6221 Beachway Dr

Falls Church Home Buying Tips

John's useful information of the day for buyers looking at 6221 Beachway Dr in Falls Church

Use a real estate company that can save you money on your purchase in 22041. Case in point, Nesbitt Realty serves property seekers in Falls Church, Virginia and can tell you more about Lake Barcroft. This real estate is asking $949,000. John Newsome can give you s about 6221 Beachway Dr but most of the colonial homes in Lake Barcroft were built in 1810. Not all websites have a direct feed to their local multiple listing service. In order to get the best results from the site supplying you with dwelling updates, make sure you choose a website like NesbittRealty.com that is directly connected to our local MLS. Some websites update daily, meaning you won’t receive updates until the next day. However, Nesbitt Realty gets updates about Falls Church every few minutes! Accordingly, in home markets where residences are selling within hours, these late updates will not help much.  There is no point in falling in love with 6221 Beachway Dr if it's already sold. John Newsome is very easy-to-understand and stands ready to serve buyer clients in Falls Church. If you're just considering options but not yet ready to move, John is patient and local. When you're ready to move forward he can help you navigate through the reams of paperwork that will make your dreams become reality.

Compare 6221 Beachway Dr To

John Newsome can aid you, if you would like to tour 6221 Beachway Dr or any of the detached homes below. Further, if needed, John can provide details and more information.

1720 Beulah Rd

[$969,000, Vienna, VA 22182]

1066 Dalebrook Dr

[$950,000, Alexandria, VA 22308]

9805 Five Oaks Rd

[$950,000, Fairfax, VA 22031]

11626 Sourwood Ln

[$925,000, Reston, VA 20191]

4903 Gadsen Dr

[$900,000, Fairfax, VA 22032]

Contact John Newsome

Email John Newsome to learn more from a well-informed professional on 22041 in Fairfax County real estate.

Nesbitt Realty , a family business serving real estate needs in Northern VA.

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