5565 Columbia Pike #412, Arlington VA 22204 On The Market

Mid 20th-Century 1-Bedroom $234,999 - Arlington Virginia 22204

Should you worry about coughing up $250,000 for a home like 5565 Columbia Pike #412 in 22204 in Arlington County? In addition, you might need to leave the area after you've purchased the condo. However, Stuart Nesbitt can help you sell the home or rent it out. You may find that the home you purchased becomes a great investment. What is more, there are always risks in 22204 in Arlington County real estate.  Above all, a professional licensed real estate adviser similar to Stuart is able to aid you to manage or avoid many of the dangers  associated with buying a home in Arlington. Photo of 5565 Columbia Pike #412
5565 Columbia Pike #412, Arlington 22204

Price Reduced AGAIN by $25,000 50 $250,000 !!! Seller motivated to sell ‘As Is’ and will entertain any reasonable offer. [Read more]

Photo of 5565 Columbia Pike #412 $234,999 - 1 BR - 1 BA - 0 HB - Arlington 22204 VA Photo of 5565 Columbia Pike #412

Communities In Arlington County Around $234,999

All the communities in this table have residences available which are about the same living area as 5565 Columbia Pike #412. Why identify neighborhoods like this? Because, by comparing a few neighborhoods, a property hunter can understand what is in point of fact available in Arlington County.

How Much Home Can You Get In Arlington County For Around $234,999?

Are you wondering how much living area you can purchase for the same price as 5565 Columbia Pike #412? The table below shows the sizes of other mid-sized places now on the market in Arlington County. All of these residences cost approximately as much as 5565 Columbia Pike #412.
Tiny (1 to 600 sqft)2 Active
Smaller (601 to 700 sqft)4 Active
Small (701 to 1,100 sqft)6 Active
Photo of 5565 Columbia Pike #412

What Styles Are Available For A Similar List Price In Arlington County?

Have you thought about what style of home you like? If you want to spend around $234,999 in Arlington County, there are only so many selections to choose from. The options are shown on the chart below. Thanks. We genuinely appreciate the opportunity to serve you. Updated information about 5565 Columbia Pike #412 - Columbia - Arlington - 22204 -

Arlington Home Buying Clues

Stuart's useful information of the day for buyers looking at 5565 Columbia Pike #412 in Arlington

Not all websites have a direct feed to their local multiple listing service. In order to get the best results from the site supplying you with condo updates, make sure you choose a website like NesbittRealty.com that is directly connected to our local MLS. Some websites update daily, meaning you won’t receive updates until the next day. However, Nesbitt Realty gets updates about Arlington every few minutes! Therefore, in condo markets where homes are selling within hours, these late updates will not help much.  There is no point in falling in love with 5565 Columbia Pike #412 if it's already sold. Most of the places in Arlington County were built in 1984. 5565 Columbia Pike #412 Arlington VA 22204 has 1 bedrooms and 789 sqft. This residence is listed for $234,999. Stuart Nesbitt has a can-do attitude and a pleasant disposition to reduce the work that comes with securing a purchase on a residence. Photo of 5565 Columbia Pike #412

Related By Price To 5565 Columbia Pike #412

Stuart Nesbitt can help you, if you would like to view 5565 Columbia Pike #412 or any of the condos below. In fact, if needed, Stuart can provide details and more information.

Stuart Nesbitt can help.

Nesbitt Realty is offering a rebate of $661 to any buyer that uses Stuart Nesbitt to buy 5565 Columbia Pike #412. As a buyer client you can deduct your property taxes, and many of the costs involved in buying a home in Arlington County.  Ask Stuart Nesbitt to explain the benefits of buying. He can help. Photo of 5565 Columbia Pike #412

Nesbitt Realty , a family business serving real estate needs in Northern VA.

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