4241 Columbia Pike #104, Arlington Real Estate Announcement

$195,000 ⁞ Arlington VA 22204

Is it crazy to pay $200,000 for a home like 4241 Columbia Pike #104 in 22204 in Arlington? Further, you may want to know more about the schools. But, Tez Green can provide information to help you learn more about Flint Hill, and Louise Archer Elementary Schools, and Madison High School. Of course, there are many pitfalls to avoid and overcome. Conversely, a real estate professional not unlike Tez Green has the answers and can help reduce your anxiety from the buying process. Photo of 4241 Columbia Pike #104

Open Sat, 6.8, 2-4 p.m. Best and lowest priced 1 bedroom condo in 22204. Freshly painted, sparkling and move-in ready! Updated all white kitchen including gas cooking. Newer carpet plus crown moulding throughout. All utilities included in ... [Read more]

$195,000 ⁞ 1 bed ⁞ 1 bath ⁞ 0 half-bath ⁞ 574 sqft ⁞ 4241 Columbia Pike #104 Arlington 22204 VA

About The Same Size As 4241 Columbia Pike #104 In Arlington County?

All the condos in this table are close to the same living area as 4241 Columbia Pike #104. Why compare properties of a similar size to 4241 Columbia Pike #104 in Arlington County? In fact, by comparing similarly-sized condos, a home buyer can better understand the asking price and the real estate market in Arlington County and Northern Virginia.
Budget (1 to $300,000)5 Active
Entry-Level (400001 to $550,000)1 Active
Photo of 4241 Columbia Pike #104

Neighborhoods In Arlington With Similarly Sized Homes

All the communities in this table have homes for sale which are approximately the same living area as 4241 Columbia Pike #104. Why identify communities like this? Because, by comparing some areas, a buyer can understand what is in fact available in Arlington.
The Carlton2 Active
Alta Vista Condo1 Active
Rosslyn1 Active
Tanglewood1 Active
Vermont Gardens1 Active

How Much Home Can You Get In Arlington County For Around $195,000?

Are you wondering how much living area you can purchase for the same price as 4241 Columbia Pike #104? The table below shows the sizes of other properties now listed in Arlington County. All of these condos cost around as much as 4241 Columbia Pike #104.
Tiny (1 to 600 sqft)8 Active
Smaller (601 to 700 sqft)2 Active
Small (701 to 1,100 sqft)2 Active

For Sale In Arlington County With A Garage

Would you like a garage? If so, you're probably interested the the table below. The table describes how many condos advertised for sale for close to $195,000 have a garage in Arlington County. Photo of 4241 Columbia Pike #104 Read more about 4241 Columbia Pike #104TanglewoodArlington22204Photo of 4241 Columbia Pike #104

Arlington Home Buying Pointers

Tez's helpful information of the day for buyers looking at 4241 Columbia Pike #104 in Arlington

Do you know what's NOT covered in a home inspection? The agents at Nesbitt Realty do this. Tez Green can give you an idea when you may want another professional to take a look at your residence prior to purchase. This real estate is listed for sale for $195,000. The median age of homes in Arlington is 55 years old. The number of choices that are available in Arlington can be overwhelming. Therefore, with so many choices, it's easy to over look a neighborhood or zip code that you might not know about. Tez Green takes the time to show clients around different neighborhoods, so they better understand the possibilities available within the buyer's prequalified spending limit.

Also Listed

Tez Green can help you, if you would like to find out more about 4241 Columbia Pike #104 or any of the condos below. Further, if needed, Tez can provide details and more information.

Contact Tez Green

4241 Columbia Pike #104 is nice, but so much nicer when Nesbitt Realty helps with the down payment. Learn more about how rebates work and how much you can save with Nesbitt Realty. Phone Tez Green to learn more from your specialist on Arlington real estate. Photo of 4241 Columbia Pike #104

Nesbitt Realty , a family business serving real estate needs in Northern VA.

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