7358 Lee Hwy #101, Falls Church Real Estate Announcement

Would You Pay $199,900 For An Affordable 1-Bedroom Condo In 22046 in Fairfax County?

If you’re considering a purchase of condos to purchase in Falls Church, Virginia we’ve collected some specifics for your review. These should be helpful if you're looking at a property like 7358 Lee Hwy #101.

Real Estate Secrets About The Falls Church Area

  • The median age of homes in the Falls Church area is 47 years. 7358 Lee Hwy #101 is 59 years old.
  • The Falls Church Area has an average price per square foot of $391 . But, 7358 Lee Hwy #101 is $315 per sqft.
  • The average days on market in the Falls Church area is 56 days.
  • The average living area in the Falls Church area is 1,751 sqft. On the other hand, 7358 Lee Hwy #101 has 635 sqft of living area.
  • Did you know that brick is the most common type of exterior in the Falls Church area?
6186 Greenwood Dr #102 is the least expensive home in the Falls Church area. 6186 Greenwood Dr #102 is listed for $170,000. But, 6523 Roosevelt St is the highest-priced home in the Falls Church area. 6523 Roosevelt St is asking $2,200,000. Furthermore, this information is deemed accurate but not guaranteed. Still, this data will change.  What is true and accurate today, 08/12/2021, will not be entirely accurate tomorrow or the day before. Check with Julie Nesbitt for the latest real estate information from the Falls Church area or for about information about homes similar to 7358 Lee Hwy #101.
7358 Lee Hwy #101, Falls Church 22046

Welcome Home to this Beautiful, Move-In Ready & Pet-Friendly Condo at Timber Lane Village. Conveniently Located between Dunn Loring-Merrifield & West Falls Church Metro Stations & Close to Mosaic District & Tysons Corner. This Condo has just ... [Read more]

Photo of 7358 Lee Hwy #101 $199,900 -|- 1 bed -|- 1 bath -|- 0 half-bath -|- Falls Church 22046 VA

About The Same Size As 7358 Lee Hwy #101?

All the residences in this table are about the same living area as 7358 Lee Hwy #101. Why compare properties of a similar size to 7358 Lee Hwy #101 in Falls Church? What is more, by comparing similarly-sized properties, a buyer can better understand the asking price and the real estate market in Falls Church.
Budget (1 to $300,000)1 Active
Photo of 7358 Lee Hwy #101

Communities In Fairfax County Around $199,900

All the communities in this table have condos advertised for sale which are close to the same living area as 7358 Lee Hwy #101. Why identify neighborhoods like this? Because, by comparing a couple of communities, a home shopper can comprehend what is exactly available in Fairfax County.

How Much Home Can You Get In Falls Church For Around $199,900?

Are you wondering how much living area you can purchase for the same price as 7358 Lee Hwy #101? The table below shows the sizes of other small homes now for sale in Falls Church. All of these homes cost about as much as 7358 Lee Hwy #101.
Tiny (1 to 600 sqft)3 Active
Smaller (601 to 700 sqft)3 Active
Small (701 to 1,100 sqft)11 Active
Photo of 7358 Lee Hwy #101 Photo of 7358 Lee Hwy #101
7358 Lee Hwy #101, Falls Church 22046

Welcome Home to this Beautiful, Move-In Ready & Pet-Friendly Condo at Timber Lane Village. Conveniently Located between Dunn Loring-Merrifield & West Falls Church Metro Stations & Close to Mosaic District & Tysons Corner. This Condo has just ... [Read more]

1 beds, 1 full baths

Home size: 635 sqft

Added: 08/11/21, Last Updated: 08/11/2021

Property Type: Condo for Sale

MLS Number: VAFX2014418

Subdivision: Timberlane Village Gdns

Photo of 7358 Lee Hwy #101

Falls Church Home Buying Clues

Julie's suggestions of the day for buyers looking at 7358 Lee Hwy #101 in Falls Church

This real estate is listed at 7358 Lee Hwy #101 for an asking price of $199,900. Actually, it's a good idea check out to a home in 22046 at different times of the day and night. “Communities in 22046 in Falls Church can change drastically when everyone is home from work and school,” says Julie Nesbitt. The median age of residences in Timberlane Village Gdns is 59 years old. Julie Nesbitt is very patient and helpful, and will maintain communication throughout the entire process.

Related By Price To 7358 Lee Hwy #101

Julie Nesbitt can advise you, if you would like to tour 7358 Lee Hwy #101 or any of the condos below. Furthermore, if needed, Julie can provide details and more information.
12717 Gordon Blvd #120

12717 Gordon Blvd #120 - 2 beds, 1 full, 1 part baths

Home size: 1,014 sq.ft.

Subdivision: Moorings of Occoquan Con

Added: 07/23/21

Property Type: Condo for Sale

Price: $234,900

Last Updated: 08/11/2021

8509 Barrington Ct #B

8509 Barrington Ct #B - 2 beds, 1 full baths

Home size: 800 sq.ft.

Subdivision: Tivoli

Added: 07/24/21

Property Type: Condo for Sale

Price: $240,000

Last Updated: 08/11/2021

Nesbitt Realty is a family operation serving Falls Church.

Phone Nesbitt Realty to learn more from the aces on Falls Church real estate.
Julie Nesbitt
Julie Nesbitt, a Realtor with experience in Northern Virginia

Nesbitt Realty , a family business serving real estate needs in Northern VA.

View posts by Nesbitt Realty , a family business serving real estate needs in Northern VA.