Surprising Considerations About Seville

Photo of 7381 Rodeo Ct Seville in Fairfax County is in Annandale. This house at 7381 Rodeo Ct, Annandale exemplifies some of what we come to expect in Seville. The average living area in Seville is 4,401 while 7381 Rodeo Ct has 4,401 sqft of living space. Houses in Seville are 15 years old. Most were built in 2003. Compare the average assessed value in Seville of $1,138,560 to 7381 Rodeo Ct which is selling for $1,325,000. all of properties on the market in Seville have basements. The subject property has 7 bedrooms and the subdivision typically has up to 7 bedrooms and as few as 7 bedrooms.

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