6215 Sudley Church Ct, Fairfax Station VA 22039 For Sale

Place at Fairfax Station

Should you make an offer buy 6215 Sudley Church Ct? It's only possible to answer that question, if you know the answer to these questions. Can you afford $1,175,000? Is it actually worth $1,201,000 or $1,149,000? Are you looking for a mid 20th-century detached home in Fairfax Station? Do you need 3 full baths and 0 half baths? How would you like Nesbitt Realty to rebate you $7,262 on this purchase of real estate? Contact Nesbitt Realty to learn more from the aces on 22039 in Fairfax Station real estate. $1,175,000 ↔ 4 BR ↔ 3 BA ↔ 0 HB ↔ 3,907 SQFT ↔ Fairfax Station 22039 VA

Don't be fooled as you approach this charming home by what seems to be a smaller exterior facade or slightly sloping driveway, as this home actually boasts over 3,900 sq ft of living space, making it one of the largest models in the ... [Read more]

Photo of 6215 Sudley Church Ct

About The Same Size As 6215 Sudley Church Ct In Fairfax County?

All the properties in this table are close to the same living area as 6215 Sudley Church Ct. Why compare properties of a similar size to 6215 Sudley Church Ct in Fairfax County? Not to mention, by comparing similarly-sized detached homes, a purchaser can better understand the asking price and the real estate market in Fairfax County and Northern VA.
Premium (750001 to $950,001)1 Active
Luxury (950001 to $1,950,000)12 Active
Super Luxury ($1,950,001 and up)13 Active
Photo of 6215 Sudley Church Ct

Communities In 22039 With This Size Home

All the places in this table have homes listed which are roughly the same living area as 6215 Sudley Church Ct. Why identify neighborhoods like this? Because, by comparing a few communities, a purchaser can understand what is in reality available in 22039.
Fairfax Station1 Active

How Much Home Can You Get In 22039 For Around $1,175,000?

Are you wondering how much living area you can purchase for the same price as 6215 Sudley Church Ct? The table below shows the sizes of other detached homes now available in 22039. All of these detached homes cost close to as much as 6215 Sudley Church Ct.
Very Large (3001 to 4,000 sqft)1 Active
Photo of 6215 Sudley Church Ct Updated information about 6215 Sudley Church CtFairfax StationFairfax Station22039

Fairfax Station Home Buying Tips

Stuart's surprising tips of the day for buyers looking at 6215 Sudley Church Ct in Fairfax Station

Make an appealing offer! If your offer is not appealing in some way to the seller, then you have no chance at the purchase. This isn't always about the money. Stuart Nesbitt is good terrific Realtor. Hence, Stuart knows the best way to structure a contract to make it as appealing as possible to the homeowners in Fairfax County. For this reason, the more appealing your offer on a property like 6215 Sudley Church Ct, the better chance it stands of being accepted. Detached Homes in Fairfax Station are circa 41 years old. This property is asking $1,175,000. Stuart Nesbitt understands places in 22039. Photo of 6215 Sudley Church Ct

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Stuart Nesbitt can help you, if you would like to check out 6215 Sudley Church Ct or any of the properties below. Besides, if needed, Stuart can provide details and more information.

Nesbitt Realty saves buyer's money.

Call (703)765-0300 to learn more about how rebates work and how much you can save with Stuart Nesbitt. Phone Nesbitt Realty to learn more from the aces on Fairfax Station real estate.

Nesbitt Realty , a family business serving real estate needs in Northern VA.

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