7539 Axton St, Springfield VA 22151 Listed

How Much Do 2,034 Sqft Properties Cost At North Springfield in Springfield, Virginia?

If you’re investigating homes to buy in 22151 in Fairfax County we’ve collected some tidbits for your review. These should be helpful if you're looking at a residence like 7539 Axton St.

The Springfield Area Facts

  • The average days on market in the Springfield area is 173 days.
  • The average living area in the Springfield area is 1,873 sqft. However, 7539 Axton St has 2,034 sqft of living area.
  • The Springfield Area has an average price per square foot of $389 . However, 7539 Axton St is $292 per sqft.
  • Did you know that brick is the most common type of exterior in the Springfield area?
  • 5905-D Bayshire #181 is the least expensive home in the Springfield area. 5905-D Bayshire #181 is listed for $279,995. On the other hand, 7102 Granberry Way is the highest-priced home in the Springfield area. 7102 Granberry Way is asking $1,649,999.
  • The median age of homes in the Springfield area is 46 years. 7539 Axton St is 23 years old.
Indeed, this information is deemed accurate but not guaranteed. In contrast, this data will change.  What is true and accurate today, 02/10/2023, will not be entirely accurate tomorrow or the day before. Check with Nesbitt Realty , a family business serving real estate needs in Northern VA. for the latest real estate information from the Springfield area or for information about properties such as 7539 Axton St. Photo of 7539 Axton St
7539 Axton St, Springfield 22151

This charming single-story home boasts over 2,000 square feet of living space, making it a spacious and comfortable place to live. With its recent updates, this rambler is a modern and attractive property that will appeal to many ... [Read more]

$594,900 // 3 BR // 2 BA // 0 HB // Springfield VA

About The Same Size As 7539 Axton St In 22151?

All the residences in this table are close to the same living area as 7539 Axton St. Why compare properties of a similar size to 7539 Axton St in 22151? Not to mention, by comparing similarly-sized homes, a home hunter can better understand the asking price and the real estate market in 22151. Did you know that Nesbitt Realty in Northern Virginia will match any offer made by any Realtor?

Desiring 1,700 Sqft In 22151?

Updated information about 7539 Axton St // North Springfield // Springfield // 22151 //

Springfield Home Buying Pointers

Nesbitt Realty's surprising tips of the day for buyers looking at 7539 Axton St in Springfield

7539 Axton St Springfield VA 22151 is in North Springfield and the 22151 Zip code and is currently available for $594,900. This property has 2,034 sqft of above grade living area. Nesbitt Realty advises that buyers looking at 7539 Axton St in Fairfax County find a results-driven Realtor that works mostly with shoppers in Fairfax County. Nesbitt Realty , a family business serving real estate needs in Northern VA. is a patient real estate agent who can meet you in a timely manner. Nesbitt Realty has experience working with to a great extent property seekers. Hence, we appreciates how time is of the essence when shopping for a home in a hot market. The median age of homes in North Springfield is 66 years old. The median age of detached homes in Fairfax County is 36 years old. Every day, Nesbitt Realty , a family business serving real estate needs in Northern VA. works real estate in Springfield.

Also Listed

Nesbitt Realty , a family business serving real estate needs in Northern VA. can help you, if you would like to discover more about 7539 Axton St or any of the homes below. On the other hand, if needed, Nesbitt Realty can provide details and more information.
14047 Plantation Mill Ct Gainesville VA

14047 Plantation Mill Ct - 4 beds, 3 full baths

Home size: 2,083 sq.ft.

Subdivision: Heritage Hunt

Added: 12/13/22

Property Type: Detached Home for Sale

Price: $599,000

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3488 Eagle Ridge Dr Woodbridge VA

3488 Eagle Ridge Dr - 4 beds, 3 full, 1 part baths

Home size: 2,031 sq.ft.

Subdivision: Eagles Pointe

Added: 02/08/23

Property Type: Detached Home for Sale

Price: $600,000

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15771 Gardenia Ridge Way Haymarket VA

15771 Gardenia Ridge Way - 2 beds, 2 full baths

Home size: 1,676 sq.ft.

Subdivision: Carter's Mill

Added: 01/03/23

Property Type: Detached Home for Sale

Price: $649,990

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3304 Rollingwood Dr Woodbridge VA

3304 Rollingwood Dr - 5 beds, 3 full, 1 part baths

Home size: 2,580 sq.ft.

Subdivision: Longwood Estates

Added: 02/09/23

Property Type: Detached Home for Sale

Price: $619,999

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117 Farmhouse Ct Stephenson VA

117 Farmhouse Ct - 5 beds, 4 full, 1 part baths

Home size: 3,206 sq.ft.

Subdivision: Snowden Bridge

Added: 02/09/23

Property Type: Detached Home for Sale

Price: $574,900

Last Updated: 02/09/2023

537 Richmond Rd Amissville VA

537 Richmond Rd - 3 beds, 2 full, 1 part baths

Home size: 2,112 sq.ft.


Added: 03/22/21

Property Type: Detached Home for Sale

Price: $595,900

Last Updated: 02/09/2023

For purchasing, selling, renting, and property management, consider Nesbitt Realty.  

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Nesbitt Realty , a family business serving real estate needs in Northern VA.

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