9620 Cinnamon Creek Dr, Vienna Real Estate Announcement

Valuable Elements About Listings For Sale In Fairfax County

If you're considering a property like 9620 Cinnamon Creek Dr, then this could a good place to start your education about buying real estate in the Vienna, Virginia area.  

Real Estate Pieces of Info About The Vienna Area

  • The median age of homes in the Vienna area is 26 years. 9620 Cinnamon Creek Dr is 48 years old.
  • The Vienna Area has an average price per square foot of $505 . But, 9620 Cinnamon Creek Dr is $418 per sqft.
  • The average days on market in the Vienna area is 77 days.
  • The average living area in the Vienna area is 3,378 sqft. Nevertheless, 9620 Cinnamon Creek Dr has 2,215 sqft of living area.
  • Did you know that brick is the most common type of exterior in the Vienna area?
2791 Centerboro Dr #173 is the least expensive home in the Vienna area. 2791 Centerboro Dr #173 is listed for $292,000. Above all, 1404 Crowell Rd is the highest-priced home in the Vienna area. 1404 Crowell Rd is asking $4,500,000. Furthermore, this data is deemed accurate but not guaranteed. On the other hand, this info will change.  What is true and accurate today, 07/25/2023, will not be entirely accurate tomorrow or the day before. Check with Will Nesbitt for the latest real estate data from the Vienna area or for about information about residences not unlike 9620 Cinnamon Creek Dr. Continue reading

2838 Woodlawn Ave, Falls Church Real Estate Announcement

How Much Do Residences Cost At Rixey Estates in 22042?

So, is 2838 Woodlawn Ave the most compatible detached home for you? It could be. Conversely, you have to ask yourself these questions. Can you afford $800,000? Is it actually worth $813,750 or $736,250? Are you dreaming about a $775,000 4-bedroom 2-baths other detached home in Falls Church? Do you need 2 full baths and 0 half baths? How would you like Nesbitt Realty to rebate you $4,728 on this purchase of real estate? Do you have a specific need in 22042? Julie Nesbitt can help. Continue reading

Alexandria Area Real Estate Update

Facts and data about the current state of the real estate market in Alexandria area as of 07/25/2023

Are you considering residences available in Alexandria area? There's a lot to learn about Alexandria area real estate and we can help. If so, you will likely be amazed by what is happening in the Alexandria area real estate market. See below for more data about the current state of the Alexandria area real estate market, including
  • facts about Alexandria real estate
  • real estate inventory data
  • what's recently sold in the Alexandria area
Our agents are happy to serve your Alexandria area real estate needs. Continue reading

1133 Buchanan St, McLean Real Estate Update

Find A 5 Bedroom Residence in the McLean  Area For $2,184,900

Looking For At Least 3,774 Sqft Of Home In McLean, Virginia For Less Than $2,200,000?

Julie Nesbitt tells us at a price of $2,184,900, 1133 Buchanan St, McLean VA is intriguing to consider. Above all, compare 1133 Buchanan St to others in the area that have close to 3,973 sqft of living area. Continue reading

8712 Yardley Dr, Alexandria VA 22308 Advertised For Sale

Basic Basics About Residences Listed At Stratford Landing

8712 Yardley Dr, Alexandria is a 3-bedroom detached home for buyers looking to spend around $775,000 for 1,584 square feet of living area. This property listed at 8712 Yardley Dr now might be the best selection. As a matter of fact, even if you are not astonished by what this place of residence has to offer, a real estate shopper can benefit from this information. Continue reading