9818 Covent Ct, Fairfax Real Estate Dispatch

A Few Basics About Residences Advertised For Sale In Fairfax County

How Much Does 1,926 Sqft Of Residence In 22032 in Fairfax Cost?

9818 Covent Ct, Fairfax VA recently came to the real estate market and is listed for sale for $874,500. So, you may want to contemplate this detached home (depending upon your prequalified spending limit). Compare 9818 Covent Ct to others similarly-sized places in 22032 in Fairfax. Photo of 9818 Covent Ct
9818 Covent Ct, Fairfax 22032

Whoa!!!!! This 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath colonial Queen model in Kings Park West is just so cool!!!! The main level of this home feels Iike it just goes on forever! The first floor includes the foyer, living room, dining room, kitchen, eat-in ... [Read more]

Photo of 9818 Covent Ct $874,500 ~ 4 BR ~ 2 BA ~ 1 HB ~ Fairfax VA

About The Same Size As 9818 Covent Ct?

All the detached homes in this table are about the same living area as 9818 Covent Ct. Why compare properties of a similar size to 9818 Covent Ct in Fairfax? Further, by comparing similarly-sized detached homes, a property hunter can better understand the asking price and the real estate market in Fairfax.
Choice (550001 to $750,000)1 Active
Premium (750001 to $950,001)4 Active
Luxury (950001 to $1,950,000)1 Active

Neighborhoods In Fairfax With Selections Around $874,500

All the sections in this table have properties selling which are approximately the same price as 9818 Covent Ct. Why identify communities like this? Because, by comparing some neighborhoods, a home buyer can better understand what is actually available in Fairfax. Photo of 9818 Covent Ct

Pursuing 1,664 Sqft In Fairfax, Virginia?

Photo of 9818 Covent Ct Photo of 9818 Covent Ct 9818 Covent Ct, Fairfax VA 22032 || $874,500

Fairfax Home Buying Clues

Will's surprising tips of the day for buyers looking at 9818 Covent Ct in Fairfax

Will Nesbitt's knowledge of the area and of the real estate industry make Nesbitt Realty a terrific Realtor and ally in what can be a very stressful time. 9818 Covent Ct Fairfax VA 22032 is in Kings Park West and the 22032 Zip code and is currently available for $874,500. This detached home has 1,926 sqft of above grade living area. Will Nesbitt can give you basic datas about 9818 Covent Ct but most of the colonial homes in Kings Park West were built in 1971. Keep in mind that when a buyer client makes an offer, that offer is often an invitation to negotiate. Accordingly, when you're negotiating a real estate deal in 22032 in Fairfax County, Will Nesbitt can help you determine your reserve point. The reserve point is the point at which you'd buy the property, but any additional concession would be a deal-breaker. It's important to know your reserve point so that you can position your offer correctly. Photo of 9818 Covent Ct

Compare 9818 Covent Ct To

Will Nesbitt can help you, if you would like to inspect 9818 Covent Ct or any of the homes below. In addition, if needed, Will can provide details and more information.

Will Nesbitt can help.

We're a tiny business with a giant Internet footprint. Moreover, Nesbitt Realty offers a home buyer's rebate that saves you money when you buy real estate in 22032. Contact Will Nesbitt today at (703)765-0300 to discuss your priorities.

Nesbitt Realty , a family business serving real estate needs in Northern VA.

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