8303 Greenside Dr, Fairfax Station Real Estate Announcement

A Few Factors About Homes Listed In Fairfax County

Are you out of your mind for spending $1,049,000 for a 4-bedroom home like 8303 Greenside Dr in 22039? You could pay too much for the property. Nevertheless, Stuart Nesbitt can arrange for a licensed appraiser to make sure you don't pay more than fair market value. On the other hand, there will be pitfalls to manage and overcome.  Nevertheless, a real estate ace like Stuart can aid you to avoid most of the risks  associated with buying a home in 22039 in Fairfax Station.
8303 Greenside Dr, Fairfax Station 22039

*** Sellers have set an offer deadline of 9:00 am Monday 6/19. Read AGENT REMARKS FOR MORE DETAILS ***Don't miss this GORGEOUS fully updated MOVE-IN READY Crosspointe home on a cul-de-sac! Enjoy almost a 1/3 of an acre and located off of a ... [Read more]

$1,049,000 :-: 4 bed :-: 3 bath :-: 1 half-bath :-: 2,872 sqft :-: Fairfax Station 22039 VA

Communities In Fairfax County Around $1,049,000

All the places in this table have places advertised for sale which are close to the same living area as 8303 Greenside Dr. Why identify communities like this? Because, by comparing a couple of places, a home buyer can get what is exactly available in Fairfax County. Photo of 8303 Greenside Dr

How Much Home Can You Get In 22039 For Around $1,049,000?

Are you wondering how much living area you can purchase for the same price as 8303 Greenside Dr? The table below shows the sizes of other modest places now available in 22039. All of these places cost close to as much as 8303 Greenside Dr.
Big (2501 to 3,000 sqft)1 Active
Photo of 8303 Greenside Dr

What Elementary School Choices Are Available For A Similar List Price?

Have you thought about the schools that your child will attend if you live at 8303 Greenside Dr? If you're looking to spend $1,049,000 in Northern Virginia, then Waples Mill Elementary School might not be your only choice. The table below shows some of the other choices you may wish to contemplate.
Fairview2 Active
Parklawn2 Active
Newington Forest1 Active
Peak View1 Active
Franklin Sherman1 Active
Providence1 Active
Navy1 Active
Forestville1 Active
Annandale Terrace1 Active
Crossfield1 Active
Barrett1 Active
Hoffman-Boston1 Active
Kings Glen1 Active
Washington Mill1 Active
Silverbrook1 Active
West Springfield1 Active
Full details and pictures of 8303 Greenside Dr :-: Crosspointe :-: Fairfax Station :-: 22039 :-:

Fairfax Station Home Buying Tips

Stuart's useful information of the day for buyers looking at 8303 Greenside Dr in Fairfax Station

Stuart Nesbitt has a can-do attitude and a pleasant disposition to reduce the anxiety that comes with realizing ownership of a detached home. This real estate is listed at 8303 Greenside Dr for just $1,049,000. Most of the properties in Crosspointe were built in 1988. Most of the detached homes in Fairfax County were built in 1988. The number of choices that are available in 22039 in Fairfax County can be overwhelming. Therefore, with so many choices, it's easy to over look a neighborhood or zip code that you might not know about. Photo of 8303 Greenside Dr

Comparable In Price To 8303 Greenside Dr

Stuart Nesbitt can help you, if you would like to find out more about 8303 Greenside Dr or any of the places below. Indeed, if needed, Stuart can provide details and more information.

Nesbitt Realty saves buyer's money.

Call Stuart Nesbitt to get an up to the minute look at exactly what $1,049,000 can purchase you in 22039 in Fairfax Station. Photo of 8303 Greenside Dr

Nesbitt Realty , a family business serving real estate needs in Northern VA.

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