Home Inspection And Appraisal

Home Inspections and Appraisals

Most buyers will require a home inspection.  Some homes have issues which require attention.  Even homes in the best of shape---even brand new construction---have at least a few details that need attention.  Often the home buyer will want corrections made before the purchase occurs. Should the home inspection find any necessary repairs, your agent will negotiate the best possible outcome.

Because Nesbitt Realty also does property management, we know a lot of great handymen and contractors. If repairs are needed your agent can recommend handymen and service providers to make those repairs.

Nearly every home buyer will require an appraisal before closing. Appraising is the process of a licensed professional estimating the market value of a home. Factors influencing the market value include: comparables, adjustments, physical characteristics, etc. Most lenders require a satisfactory appraisal before approving a mortgage. Your agent can give you an idea of what to expect at the appraisal and how to maximize your value. Your agent will handle the details of getting the appraisal completed.

Nesbitt Realty will also coordinate other inspections as needed including the pest inspection, radon inspection and lead-based paint inspection.


Sales & Marketing

A few of the many marketing processes we provide for sellers in Ridge View Estates.

How we sell

Communications With The Seller

An introduction to the many communication tasks we'll perform for our clients.


The Offer

How we turn an offer into a sales contract

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Home Inspection & Appraisal

How we handle the details that can arise during the inspection process.


Transaction Management

Selling & marketing the property in Ridge View Estates is only a part of what we do to achieve your goal

About the Details

Achieving Your Goal

What we do to make the plan a reality.

Over the Finish Line

We help sellers in Alexandria, Arlington, Fairfax County, Falls Church & surrounds

We want what's best for the client.

Sales Process

Helpful information and commonly asked questions about selling your property in Northern Virginia.

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Our Agents

Learn more about our friendly neighborhood real estate agents!

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Why Nesbitt Realty?

Why choose Nesbitt Realty to sell your real estate in Northern Virginia?

Our Differentiators

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