Critical Facts On The Real Estate At Broyhill Glen Gary Park

Nesbitt Realty updates the information on this page every twenty minutes. When you need specific data about any area in or around Broyhill Glen Gary Park, talk to an agent from Nesbitt Realty.

How much do homes at Broyhill Glen Gary Park cost?

Recently sold property can tell you a lot about the retail price of property in the area. It's a goo idea to compare this with the prices of real estate that is listed for sale.

Recently Sold at Broyhill Glen Gary Park

Choice (550001 to $750,000)1 Sold
Premium (750001 to $950,001)16 Sold
Luxury (950001 to $1,950,000)10 Sold
Super Luxury ($1,950,001 and up)2 Sold

For Sale at Broyhill Glen Gary Park

How many bedrooms do homes on the market at Broyhill Glen Gary Park normally have?

How many bedrooms to you require? How many bedrooms would you like to have? Each purchaser is special. Your good licensed real estate adviser from Nesbitt Realty can guide you to your right choice.

Number of Bedrooms in Homes Sold at Broyhill Glen Gary Park

3 BR1 Active
4 BR11 Active
5 BR11 Active
6 BR5 Active
7 BR1 Active

What exterior features are available at Broyhill Glen Gary Park?

Do you really need exterior lighting? Is it a requirement for you to have play equipment? Your Northern Virginia licensed real estate adviser from Nesbitt Realty likes special requests and we have the tools to identify your right property.

Popular Exterior Features on Real Estate Sold at Broyhill Glen Gary Park

Extensive Hardscape3 Active
Exterior Lighting3 Active
Street Lights2 Active
Hot Tub1 Active
Flood Lights1 Active
Play Area1 Active
Underground Lawn Sprinkler1 Active
Play Equipment1 Active
Outbuilding(s)1 Active
Satellite Dish1 Active

Considering Selling?

If you're thinking about selling, learn more about selling your property in Broyhill Glen Gary Park.

Do you need to talk with a property manager?

If you're considering renting your property, learn more about management services for your real estate in Broyhill Glen Gary Park.

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