United Flooring & Rug Inc provides service to residents in Fairfax County.

Nesbitt Realty makes no endorsements of any service providers in our Guide, but we always enjoy your input (good or bad).

United Flooring & Rug Inc is an expert in all types of floor installations, sanding & finishing, and repairs. It provides carpet, hardwood floor, tiles, vinyl, rug, staircase, granite countertops, cabinets, kitchen & bathroom remodeling, oriental rugs & wall-to-wall carpet cleaning & repair, electric work, plumbing, painting, garage doors, and HVAC services. It is located at 14504-D Lee Rd. Chantilly.
Did you know that Nesbitt Home & Garden provides support and service for odd jobs around the home? Call (703)765-0300 to schedule a visit.


Related Communities: Chantilly, and Fairfax County


Contact A Realtor

Call (703)765-0300

Realtor Julie Nesbitt