Timely Data On The Real Estate At Chesterfield

Nesbitt Realty updates the information on this page every twenty minutes. When you want specific info about any area in or around Chesterfield, email an agent from Nesbitt Realty.

How much do properties at Chesterfield cost?

Recently sold property can reveal quite a bit about the going value of real estate in the area. It's important to contrast settled prices with the prices of real estate that is currently available.

Recently Sold at Chesterfield

Affordable (300001 to $400,000)1 Recently Sold

Just Listed at Chesterfield

How many bedrooms do homes for sale at Chesterfield usually have?

How many bedrooms to you require? How many bedrooms do you want? Every family unit is special. Your reliable Realtor from Nesbitt Realty can guide you to your perfect selection.

Number of Bedrooms in Homes Sold at Chesterfield

2 BR8 Active
3 BR6 Active

What exterior features are available at Chesterfield?

Do you really want exterior lighting? Is it a requirement for you to have play equipment? Your hard-working Realtor from Nesbitt Realty appreciates special requests and we have the experience to find your dream property.

Popular Exterior Features on Real Estate Sold at Chesterfield

Sidewalks5 Active
Exterior Lighting3 Active
Street Lights2 Active
Lawn Sprinkler1 Active
Underground Lawn Sprinkler1 Active

Considering Selling?

If you're considering listing a property, learn more about selling your home in Chesterfield.

Do you want to talk with a property manager?

If you're weighing leasing vs. selling, learn more about management services for your home in Chesterfield.

Please don't hesitate to contact Nesbitt Realty for assistance. Our real estate professionals look forward to helping you in any way possible.

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