Critical Data On The Real Estate Market At Windsor Plaza

Nesbitt Realty updates the information on this page regularly. If you need specific facts about any neighborhood in or around Windsor Plaza, get in touch with an agent from Nesbitt Realty.

How much do homes at Windsor Plaza cost?

Recently sold property can give you a good idea of the actual value of property in the area. It's advisable to compare sold prices with the prices of real estate that is currently available.

Recently Sold at Windsor Plaza

Entry-Level (400001 to $550,000)7 Recently Sold

Just Listed at Windsor Plaza

How many bedrooms do properties on the market at Windsor Plaza normally have?

How many bedrooms to you require? How many bedrooms would you like to have? Every family is different. Your knowledgeable Realtor from Nesbitt Realty can guide you to your right selection.

Number of Bedrooms in Homes Sold at Windsor Plaza

Studio1 Active
1 BR31 Active
2 BR38 Active

What exterior features are popular at Windsor Plaza?

Do you really need exterior lighting? Is it important for you to have secure storage? Your dilligent Realtor from Nesbitt Realty loves special requests and we have the experience to identify your ideal property.

Popular Exterior Features on Real Estate Sold at Windsor Plaza

Sidewalks5 Active
Secure Storage4 Active
Exterior Lighting2 Active
BBQ Grill2 Active
Extensive Hardscape2 Active
Bump-outs1 Active
Awning(s)1 Active
Street Lights1 Active
Stone Retaining Walls1 Active

Pondering Selling?

If you're weighing options, learn more about selling your property in Windsor Plaza.

Do you want to talk with a rental property manager?

If you're weighing leasing vs. selling, learn more about rental management your property in Windsor Plaza.

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Will Nesbitt

Principal Broker

Julie Nesbitt

Realtor, Office Manager

Stuart Nesbitt

Realtor, Property Manager

Schofield Stewart

Realtor, Property Manager

John Newsome

Realtor, Property Manager