Do you have questions regarding real estate near Rockingham County Courthouse?

Our tiny business has a local easy-to-understand Realtor with answers.

Rockingham County Courthouse is located at 80 Court Square, Harrisonburg, VA 22802. It was designed by Frank P. Milburn and built in 1907 and is listed under National Register for Historic Places.
Would you like to live near Rockingham County Courthouse? Nesbitt Realty provides real estate services to people in Rockingham County.


History and Local Real Estate

Virginia was one of the 13 colonies and many of our Founding Fathers are directly tied to Northern Virginia.  In addition, several major Civil War campaigns occurred in or near this area.

We know that Rockingham County Courthouse is another outstanding benefit for residents of Rockingham County and the surrounding communities. If you would like to hear more, get in touch with Nesbitt Realty, we're eager to help.

Related Communities: Harrisonburg, and Rockingham County


Contact A Realtor

Call (703)765-0300

Realtor and Associate Broker Stuart Nesbitt