Questions about real estate near the Dale City Volunteer Fire Department - Station 18?

Our family brokerage has a Realtor who can help.

Dale City Volunteer Fire Department - Station 18 is located at 5849 Dale Blvd, Dale City.
Our real estate professionals are ready to provide real estate advice to clients in Dale City. If you have more inquiries regarding Dale City Volunteer Fire Department - Station 18, our real estate agents are local experts. In other words, we are qualified to answer questions about neighborhoods, commutes, property management and real estate affairs. If your questions are regarding the inner workings or practices of Dale City Volunteer Fire Department - Station 18, we can only point you to other resources.

Searching for a rental home with great schools around Dale City?

We work with renters with immediate rental requirements.

Our renter's resource page will answer common questions such as:
  • What is a renter's agent?
  • Who pays our fees?
  • What areas do you serve?
  • Can I see rentals on a map?
Read answers, renting tips & more


Often in this area, it’s cheaper for a police, fire or EMS officer to buy than to rent—especially if Nesbitt Realty pays the funds to close. When you are a Selling your home at Burke is so easy because of the several military installations and the Pentagon in the vicinity. shopper, one of your greatest challenges will be your cash for your closing costs. But Nesbitt Realty has a solution, Nesbitt Realty can help with your money for settlement fees. Talk to one of our agents about how Nesbitt Realty can rebate a portion of our commission to you. Furthermore, when you buy and move real estate with Nesbitt Realty, we can save you even more money.

Nesbitt Realty can guide you through the sales process.

Nesbitt Realty is a award-winning business. We appreciate each client. Thus, we'd appreciate to guide you to your real estate goals. Get in touch with us right away to learn more about what we can do for you. If you're thinking about selling your home, let us know and we'll draft a free accurate assessment of your home's market value.

Are you aware that Nesbitt Realty has received numerous awards and recognitions for client satisfaction because we get results that make our clients in Dale City happy?

We'd love the opportunity to talk to you about why our clients in Dale City rave about our service.

Related Communities: Dale City, and Prince William County


Contact A Realtor

Call (703)765-0300

Julie Nesbitt
Julie Nesbitt