Questions about real estate near Oak Marr Farmers Market?

Our award-winning real estate brokerage has a local thorough Realtor who knows the answer.

Oak Marr Farmers Market is situated at 3200 Jermantown Rd, Oakton. The market opens Wednesdays, May 5 - November 10; from 8 am to noon.
Oak Marr Farmers Market is situated in a great neighborhood of Oakton.Take a look at the real estate that's right for you with a closeby farmers' market in Oakton?
The area features a range of housing styles, including single-family homes and townhouses. Moreover, it often showcases well-maintained properties with spacious yards and lush landscaping. Many homes in this area are characterized by traditional architecture and a sense of community. These homes provide a serene environment while still being conveniently located near the market and other amenities. The area is known for its top-rated schools, making it an attractive choice for families. The nearby residential communities offer access to excellent educational institutions, providing a desirable environment for families seeking quality education for their children.


Related Communities: Fairfax County, and Oakton


Contact A Realtor

Call (703)765-0300

Realtor and Associate Broker Stuart Nesbitt