Need more information regarding real estate near Middletown Farmers Market?

Our family operation has a local well regarded Realtor who knows the answer.

Middletown Farmers Market is located at 2325 First Street, Middletown. The market opens from May 1 to October 31, 2021, from 9 am to 12 pm on Saturdays.
Middletown Farmers Market is situated in a pleasant section of Middletown. We can find the real estate that's right for you with a nearby farmers' market in Middletown Virginia?
The surrounding areas offer single-family homes. You can find various architectural styles, sizes, and price ranges to suit different preferences and budgets. You may find some historic homes with unique architecture and character. These properties are often well-maintained and add a touch of nostalgia to the community. There is easy access to local amenities, shops, and restaurants in the area.


Related Communities: Frederick County, and Middletown


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Call (703)765-0300

Realtor Stuart
Associate Broker Stuart Nesbitt