Spotswood Elementary School is a valued feature of this community.

Our family real estate company is happy to answer questions about real estate in Harrisonburg.

Spotswood Elementary School was founded in 1960. Spotswood Elementary was named after Governor Alexander Spotswood who was a past governor of Virginia. The school is located at 400 Mountain View Dr, Harrisonburg, VA.
We believe that a school comparable to Spotswood Elementary School in Harrisonburg is crucial for a young mind. Talk to Nesbitt Realty for real estate services near Spotswood Elementary School.


The local schools can have a impact on the cost of properties in Harrisonburg. That's why it's critical to learn more about nearby elementary schools like Spotswood Elementary School when you pick your home. Speak with a real estate professional about school ratings and to find out more about this area.

Related Communities: Harrisonburg, and Rockingham County


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Call (703)765-0300

Julie Nesbitt
Julie Nesbitt