Staples - Richmond Highway is a feature of this community.

Our award-winning real estate business is ready to answer questions about buying and selling property in Alexandria.

Staples is located at 7708 Richmond Highway Alexandria, VA 22306. They are an American office retail company primarily involved in selling office supplies and related products, via retail channels and business-to-business (B2B)-oriented delivery operations. Staples also offers a copy and print service, Phone & Tablet Repair, Tech Services, Business Services, Recycling Services, and UPS Shipping. Their regular store hours are from 8:00 am to 9:00 pm from Monday to Friday. They are open from 9:00 am and closed by 9:00 pm on Saturdays. On Sundays, they open by 10:00 am and close by 6:00 pm.
Our real estate professionals are happy to provide real estate guidance to people like you in Alexandria. If you have more inquiries regarding Staples - Richmond Highway, our Realtors are local experts. Meaning, we are able to to answer questions about locations, commutes, property management and real estate affairs. If your inquiries are about the inner workings or practices of Staples - Richmond Highway, we will mostly likely only guide you to other resources.

Throughout your search for property in Alexandria, responsiveness and dedication are Nesbitt Realty's top priorities.

Alexandria is a part of the Northern Virginia and is home to some of the most intelligent real estate buyers and renters in the nation. Every day agents of Nesbitt Realty help people move to and from this area. If you're looking for property in this area, you will find our Buyer's Guide to Northern Virginia Real Estate is a free resource for getting to know the area and for finding the ideal match for your desires and budget. If you need any help with a specific search please don't hesitate to call your fine licensed real estate adviser from Nesbitt Realty at (703)765-0300.


Warehouse stores are universal in America these days. Nonetheless, you'll see different choices in the kinds of warehouse retailers you will see in a specific area in Alexandria. Does anyone move to a new residence because a Staples - Richmond Highway is around the corner? Probably not. Nonetheless, it's great to have the right retailer when you need it.

Related Community: Alexandria


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Call (703)765-0300

Realtor and Associate Broker Stuart Nesbitt