Need more information about real estate near a particular Burke & Herbert Bank branch?

Our local business has a local patient real estate agent with answers.

Burke & Herbert Bank operates since 1852, offering personal banking, business banking, online banking, and wealth services. The bank branch is located at 306 E Monroe Ave, Alexandria, VA 22301. Nesbitt Realty agents provide real estate guidance to people in Alexandria.

Buying Tips & Suggestions

Find out why clients love our tiny family business.

Identifying a good rental home in Alexandria is not always straight-forward.

Renting a home is a very serious decision that warrants a thoughtful discussion before signing a lease. When picking a rental property, renters in Alexandria have quite a few aspects to contemplate including, but not limited to, proximity to transportation or neighborhood amenities. A sharp renter will think about every one of their limitations before when making a decision to make sure that they are making the best possible decision. But the number of wants versus needs can be frustrating. It's impossible to know that you're missing out something. Naturally, a rental agent can really help make sense of the rental market. Best of all a rental agent costs the renter nothing. [Learn more]


Speak with a mortgage professional who cares about you.

It's a good idea to find a loan officer who is qualified and ready to help.

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Nesbitt Inspirational
Sometimes by losing a battle you find a new way to win the war. -Donald Trump