8616 Shadwell Dr #65, Alexandria VA 22309 On The Market

$279,900 ↔ Alexandria VA 22309

How Much Does A Condo Cost In Alexandria?

Julie Nesbitt informs us that, depending upon your budget, you might want to consider this dwelling at 8616 Shadwell Dr #65 which is on the market $279,900. But, consider that the average living area of residences in the Alexandria area is 1,575. Continue reading

8616 Shadwell Dr #65, Alexandria VA 22309 On The Market

Striking {Age_Adjective caps=true} $279,900 || Alexandria Virginia 22309

Buying a home not unlike 8616 Shadwell Dr #65 for most people is the biggest transaction a typical resident of Fairfax County will ever make. In fact, as a Realtor with extensive real estate know-how about 22309, Nesbitt Realty , a family business serving real estate needs in Northern VA. is a strong adviser that gets the sympathetic and explanatory support that purchasers need if spotting and buying a $279,900 home in 22309. Furthermore, there are other risks which can be challenging to overcome.  Nevertheless, a real estate professional like Nesbitt Realty can manage and overcome dangers  associated with buying a place in Alexandria, Virginia. Continue reading