6603 Byrnes Dr, McLean VA 22101 For Sale

What Type Of Residence Can I Obtain In 22101 in Fairfax County For $1,500,000?

6603 Byrnes Dr in 22101 may be a right neighborhood for some buyers. Nevertheless, you'll want to get some basic facts about the area to know if this is the dwelling for you.

Real Estate Basics About Fairfax County

  • The median age of homes in Fairfax County is 2023 years. 6603 Byrnes Dr is 67 years old.
  • Fairfax County has an average price per square foot of $0 . On the other hand, 6603 Byrnes Dr is $462 per sqft.
  • The average days on market in Fairfax County is 0 days.
  • The average living area in Fairfax County is 0 sqft. Conversely, 6603 Byrnes Dr has 3,249 sqft of living area.
  • Did you know that is the most common type of exterior in Fairfax County?
is the least expensive home in Fairfax County. is listed for $0. But, is the highest-priced home in Fairfax County. is asking $0. Indeed, this information is deemed accurate but not guaranteed. Above all, this data will change.  What is true and accurate today, 07/27/2023, will not be entirely accurate tomorrow or the day before. Check with Nesbitt Realty , a family business serving real estate needs in Northern VA. for the latest real estate data from Fairfax County about properties comparable to 6603 Byrnes Dr. Continue reading

How About A Very Large Home In McLean, Virginia?

No posts found works real estate in McLean, Virginia and can help you too. No posts found is a local real estate pro and works hard everyday in and around condos in 22101. I like 6603 Byrnes Dr. This condo at Grass Ridge in McLean looks like a good value for several reasons. However, No posts found is not recommending you buy this property in particular. That's because, until I know your goals there is no way for me to know if this is the right home for you. Photo of 6603 Byrnes Dr Continue reading

How Much Your Home At Chesterbrook Woods Will Sell For?

Data About Homes That Have Sold At Chesterbrook Woods

What's your home in the McLean Area at Chesterbrook Woods worth? Julie Nesbitt can help you find the market value of your home in McLean for free. Photo of 6004 Balsam Dr Are you mulling over the idea of selling your detached home in Fairfax County at Chesterbrook Woods? If so, it's sensible to investigate what detached homes have sold in the McLean Area at Chesterbrook Woods. That info can give a detached home seller a starting point for determining your detached home's value.

Did you know that in in Fairfax County at Chesterbrook Woods:

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Pursuing A Super Luxury Detached Home In 22101

Get in touch with Julie Nesbitt to get an up to the minute look at exactly what $3,700,000 can buy you in the 22101 Zip code. If you are chasing an enchanting super luxury detached home in 22101, your selections might be limited right now. 6004 Oakdale Rd might be the best choice for you, but we have some more recommendations below. Continue reading

6004 Oakdale Rd, McLean Real Estate Update

A Primer On Residences Listed In Fairfax County

Is there reason to worry, when investing $3,699,000 for a dwelling like 6004 Oakdale Rd in McLean? What is more, you may want to know more about the schools. Above all, Nesbitt Realty , a family business serving real estate needs in Northern VA. can provide information to help you learn more about Chesterbrook Elementary School, and McLean High School. Moreover, there are always pitfalls in 22101 in McLean real estate.  But, a fine ace like Nesbitt Realty can help you to manage or avoid many of the problems  associated with buying a property in 22101 in Fairfax County. Continue reading

Selling Your Home In The McLean Area At Highview Terrace

Sold In Highview Terrace

Do you know what your home at Highview Terrace in 22101 is in point of fact worth? Stuart Nesbitt can help you find the market value of your property in McLean for free. Are you contemplating selling your detached home at Highview Terrace? If so, it's wise to contemplate what properties close to your home are asking and what has recently sold. In addition, sold places can give an owner an idea what the seller's own residence will fetch. Photo of 1870 Kirby Rd Contact Stuart Nesbitt to get a free and more accurate assessment of your detached home's value. Stuart can also prepare a marketing plan to show you how he plans to get you the best price as quickly as possible.

Did you know that in in the McLean Area at Highview Terrace:

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